• And it strengthens tribal courts and police departments and enhances programs to combat drug and alcohol abuse and help at-risk youth.

    WHITEHOUSE: Signing the Tribal Law and Order Act

  • It says that around a quarter of the female population faces domestic violence and that long-held prejudices, combined with new forms of anti-social behaviour such as drug and alcohol abuse, have put young women and girls at particular risk.

    BBC: UN urges end to abuses of women

  • In most states, a person with a long history of arrests and convictions for misdemeanors (often pleaded down from felony charges), prior restraining orders for domestic violence and history of drug and alcohol abuse can own as many military-style weapons as he can afford to purchase, and can legally carry concealed guns almost anywhere.

    CNN: Mass murder and powerful firearms

  • He said he planned to work on tackling alcohol and drug abuse, as well as anti-social behaviour.

    BBC: Police officers in high-visibility coats

  • She said the emphasis should be on how many schools hold multi-agency events to make youngsters aware of the harms of drug and alcohol abuse, she suggested.

    BBC: Drugs (generic)

  • It has focused attention on our problems as well as our strengths - poor health, pockets of poverty, minority groups, alcohol and drug abuse.

    BBC: One last, lingering look behind

  • "If a 24-hour residential facility is providing treatment or services to promote the recovery of alcohol and drug abuse then they must possess a license, " said Millicent Tidwell, deputy director for the California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs.


  • "If a 24-hour residential facility is providing treatment or services to promote the recovery of alcohol and drug abuse then they must possess a license, " deputy director for the California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs Millicent Tidwell said.


  • The campaign seeks to re-educate Americans to the view that addiction is a brain disease and presents convincing evidence that drug and alcohol abuse causes neurological changes that can be seen in brain imaging studies.

    FORBES: Lindsay Lohan To Enter 90-Day "Lock Down" Rehab - Will It Work?

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