It is clear that we cannot simply arrest our way out of the drug problem.
But Alonie Watson doesn't think her daughter's drug problem had anything to do with her disappearance.
Instead, I am relieved that the drug problem is not so bad here in Singapore.
But it is more comfortable for Americans to believe that the drug problem is a Colombian problem.
The last United Nations survey of Afghanistan's drug problem four years ago estimated the country's addicts to number about 200, 000.
This begins with the acknowledgement that our drug problem is a public health issue, not just a law enforcement issue.
The vast majority of these people do not have a "drug problem" and do not engage in anti social behaviour.
He favors early intervention, including questioning of hospital patients by medical professionals who are qualified to detect an alcohol or drug problem.
An otherwise idyllic city, Vancouver has the worst drug problem in Canada.
The longstanding effort to reduce the nation's drug problem would be better served if geographic drug-use patterns were better understood, says David M.
Meanwhile Mr Soros also said that austerity demanded a new approach to dealing with the drug problem, because incarcerating offenders was too expensive for local government coffers.
Critics point to Mitchell's close ties to the Red Sox and concern that he might not be willing to expose baseball management's responsibility in allowing the drug problem to spread.
He said the findings would impact on drug policies, because they suggested reducing or eliminating the availability of cannabis would be "unlikely to make a dent" in the hard drug problem.
Last year, the Governor also created an interstate task force with the Governors of Ohio, Tennessee, and West Virginia to find solutions to address the growing prescription drug problem in the region.
WHITEHOUSE: Governor Beshear Addresses Rx Abuse in his State of the State Address | The White House
Mrs Kennedy said that neither her sister, Kane's mother, nor her mother Mrs Milward, could cope with his drug problem which led him to beg, steal and borrow to get his next fix.
The United States of America and the Russian Federation intend to increase cooperation in addressing the world drug problem, so as to radically reduce production and consumption of illicit drugs, as affirmed by resolutions of the UN General Assembly and the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
"Doctor Shipman was known to have a drug abuse problem and we need to look at how the situation can arise that such doctors can have no monitoring, " said Dr Harden.
It says that while drug use and drug problems have declined in the UK in recent years, there are still about 2, 000 drug-related deaths each year and 380, 000 problem drug users.
Although illicit drug use has been declining in the UK, long-term problem drug use and drug-related deaths are not decreasing, says the British Medical Association.
We have had very close cooperation between our two governments on issues of drug interdiction and dealing with the constant problem of the drug trade in Central America.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli | The White House
Its current system relies on doctors to voluntarily report when a drug causes a problem.
There were currently 200, 000 problem drug users in England and Wales, representing about 3% of all drug users.
In Portugal, problem drug use is way, way down thanks to decriminalization coupled with a hyper-focus on treatment.
Problem drug use affects about 10% of all UK drug users, with the highest levels in the 25 to 34 age group.
Anyone who wants to participate seriously in the discussion of how to solve the drug discovery innovation problem should have read this report.
The Child Poverty Action Group said research conducted in 2008 had suggested less than 7% of those on benefits were problem drug users.
So doctors can't tell if a drug is causing a problem, and therefore they can't report it.
Differential pricing will not deal with the problem that drug firms' research concentrates mainly on ailments affecting rich people.