Street gangs in the northern triangle also fight deadly battles often unrelated to the drug trade.
Of these, authorities consider 40 to be related to the drug trade or criminal rivalries.
For at least a decade, Guinea-Bissau has played a key role in the drug trade.
Brazil's media worry that the drug trade and refugees may be pushed across the frontier.
That applies to the drug trade, gun smuggling, border security, the environment and illegal immigration.
The Guatemalan government approximates that two-fifths of the homicides in its country can be attributed to the drug trade.
Both men were already on the United States Treasury Department's blacklist of alleged collaborators with the drug trade.
He was also a controversial figure rumored to have ties to the drug trade and the private security industry.
Thai government ministers get hot under the collar at the suggestion that MPs are involved in the illegal drug trade.
In other cases, we relied on expert opinion, like in linking New Orleans' leading murder rate to its illicit drug trade.
Ahmed Wali Karzai, who heads the provincial council in Kandahar, has long been suspected of siphoning profits from the drug trade.
The global media has picked up a number of the stories and now Mexico is commonly identified with the drug trade.
Late in the story, a boy is born who is three generations removed from his last ancestor unclaimed by the drug trade.
Ralph Lauren's uncanny faux-aristocratic knockoffs fueled knockoffs of the knockoffs, and now an international knockoff industry rivals the profits of the drug trade.
Karzai, Afghanistan's first democratically elected president, is dealing with an upsurge of civilian killings, a booming drug trade and the resurgence of the Taliban.
In 2002 the U.S. granted the country favored status as a trading partner, as a reward for cracking down on the illegal drug trade.
In an address to the UN General Assembly on Tuesday, President Lobo again blamed the international drug trade for the violence afflicting his country.
For years, Karzai's brother, Ahmed Wali, has been dogged by accusations that he is a major player in the booming drug trade in southern Afghanistan.
Other critics said the money would be better spent on drug treatment efforts at home, to cut into the demand that fuels the drug trade.
The clearest cases of such transnational state-spoilers concern the drug trade.
Within Afghanistan, we must help grow the economy, while developing alternatives to the drug trade by tapping the resilience and the ingenuity of the Afghan people.
And I know that you are also helping us today in Latin America to secure our peace and our security by combating the illegal drug trade.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Meets with Peruvian President Garcia
And in a major rhetorical shift in the nearly four-decade-old Latin American drug war, American diplomats now acknowledge that U.S. demand drives the illegal drug trade.
The pharma industry was miffed by the marketer-proof lid being closed on that bottle, so IMS Health and drug trade organization PhRMA sued the state of Vermont.
One of President Felipe Calderon's priorities is to make sure the Obama administration picks up on a new U.S. aid program to help Mexico combat the drug trade.
Officials initially accused Zapeta of being a courier for the drug trade, but they dropped the allegation once he produced pay stubs from restaurants where he had worked.
We have had very close cooperation between our two governments on issues of drug interdiction and dealing with the constant problem of the drug trade in Central America.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli | The White House
It also involves greater intelligence sharing aimed at cracking down on the flow of money and weapons into Mexico that helps fuel the drug trade, senior administration officials said.
It's no wonder that the pitched fight for control of the lucrative drug trade has become more intense as Mexican law enforcement has tried to put the squeeze on drug lords.
Since then American spokespersons have criticised Venezuelan officials for their involvement in the drug trade, skewering the country in annual drug reports and freezing the assets of at least seven current or former Venezuelan officials.