Today, drunken driving claims about 10, 000 lives a year, down from more than 18, 000 in 1982.
Increasingly tough penalties for drunken driving are said to have been a big factor.
Claims stemming from accidents in which the renter has been cited for speeding or drunken driving are rejected.
She has also pleaded not guilty to drunken driving in a separate case.
The team's success came even as players and former players were arrested for drunken driving, assault and other charges.
Police have charged Mr. Janousek with drunken driving and inflicting grievous bodily harm.
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But drunken driving would be less funny to everyone if more people were greeted at a checkpoint with a Breathalyzer.
Shuster and other backers of the House approach to curbing drunken driving said the Senate provision would impinge on states' rights.
Lewis said he could not discuss evidence in the case, but noted that the actress was not charged with drunken driving.
Toth pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of drunken driving, Graham said.
Later in the summer, he was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving.
She violated the probation with a drunken driving arrest in May 2005.
They will also use the occasion to criticize the House for failing to include an anti-drunken driving measure in major highway legislation, sources say.
In Europe, the share of traffic deaths attributable to drunken driving was reduced by more than half within 10 years after the standard was dropped.
The first step to changing gun policy is to change public attitudes about guns, as Americans previously changed their attitudes about tobacco and drunken driving.
Gibson was arrested in Malibu early Friday for alleged drunken driving.
Her six years of legal troubles trace back to two drunken driving arrests in 2007 and include other incidents in which she was behind the wheel.
Records of wrongdoing by brokers involving theft, drunken driving, sexual abuse of children, assault, are all publicly available, much to the chagrin of the brokerage community.
Kimball, who competed at the trials and failed to qualify, pleaded guilty to two charges of drunken driving-manslaughter and was sentenced to 17 years in prison.
The next year, she was arrested in Nashville for drunken driving, and was allegedly beaten and choked by ex-boyfriend Billy McKnight, who was charged with attempted murder.
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In May 2007, Lohan was arrested on a misdemeanor drunken driving charge after she lost control of her Mercedes-Benz convertible and struck a curb in Beverly Hills, California.
Teens perceive drunken driving, reading text messages and eating while driving, as well as having other passengers in the car, as the biggest distractions for drivers their age.
The judge imposed 10 days in jail for the drunken driving offense, 10 days for the suspended license conviction and 35 days for the probation violation, according to Mateljan.
For people who aren't affected by racial profiling at airports, imagine this: The TSA implements a new rule to counter drunken driving, which kills over 13, 000 Americans every year.
The admonition came after the judge conducted several monthly updates with the actress and required her to perform morgue cleanup duty to complete her sentence in a 2007 drunken driving case.
Witherspoon, who is in Atlanta to make a movie titled "The Good Lie, " is charged with interfering with Pyland's arrest of her husband, Hollywood agent James Toth, on a drunken driving charge.
The lower alcohol-content threshold was one of nearly 20 recommendations aimed at reducing drunken driving made by the board, including that states adopt measures to ensure more widespread use of use of ignition devices.
The last-minute discovery that he had pleaded guilty to drunken driving in Maine in 1976 appeared to have little impact on the Republican nominee's campaign when it broke barely five days before Tuesday's election.
Emery said the commission has investigated cases of judges who got favored police treatment, such as being driven home instead of arrested after they were stopped for drunken driving or found intoxicated in their cars.
In March, a Los Angeles judge removed Lohan from probation from the two 2007 drunken driving convictions, but the actress remains on informal probation for two more years on a misdemeanor shoplifting conviction from last year.