Other industries listed among the slowest-growing include dry cleaners (NAICS 8123) and funeral homes (NAICS 8122).
The FPI study found that immigrants concentrate in some industries, such as taxi services, dry cleaners and gas stations.
That includes folks who start lawn care businesses, dry cleaners, and yogurt shops.
Meijer said many more dry cleaners are small, family-owned outfits with no payroll.
Dan Cook, owner of Harry L Cook, a 95-year-old chain of dry cleaners (with three locations) in Syracuse, N.
These are the nail salons, dry cleaners, and shoe repair shops that make up a very large but completely fragmented market.
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In 2010, on the other hand, dry cleaners had only five violations, while "miscellaneous nonfood retail, " which includes salons, had 207 violations.
You also can add local businesses, such as a dry cleaners, says Andy Miller, director of mobile products for Constant Contact, which owns CardStar.
My goal is to send a customer home smiling and have their spouse say: 'You have been at the dry cleaners again, haven't you?
Cosmo Oil, the fourth biggest, is toying with drive-through dry cleaners.
Privately held dry cleaners and launderers, like other private companies, saw sales decrease during the recession when consumers cut back on more discretionary expenses, Bierman said.
The bars and dry cleaners visible on its street maps of New York get replaced by the names of rivers and small-town roads in the distance.
The man who runs your dry cleaners down the street?
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Another three times as many worked in the suppliers, to say nothing of all the pizza parlors and all the dry cleaners and all the other people in these communities.
But when you are thinking about living here, you have to consider things like supermarkets, dry cleaners and pet stores - in other words, all the things that make a neighborhood your own.
Mr. JOEY WIEDNER (Atlanta Resident): So, you know, we had everything around us within like a four- or five-block radius: the grocery store, the dry cleaners, the deli--everything that we needed, you know, to where we didn't have to go far even in that vast city of New York, so we really were trying to find somewhere in Atlanta that would give us some of that same feel.
For workers in Los Angeles who depend on the entertainment industry, such as carpenters, lighting technicians, hairdressers and dry-cleaners, the prospect of film-making coming home is welcome.
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The Environment Agency of Japan points to the plethora of small plating shops as the country's worst offender in terms of toxic waste, followed (surprisingly) by dry-cleaners, hairdressers and public bath-houses.
But it won't take into account the business lost by the dry-cleaners in the unit next door, which is shuttered and dark - along with the bakery, the yoga centre, the hardware store and the market located nearby.