This high sublimation loss during the dry season causes well-developed penitents at the glacier surface.
Loliondo's lush hills are where the Maasai take their cattle to graze during the dry season.
The third offensive is expected in May, to coincide with the beginning of the dry season.
That will help container ships, which sometimes have to offload some cargo during the dry season.
Because of lower water-tables and depleted aquifers, many rivers can no longer replenish themselves in the dry season.
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The company says that these reservoirs will provide year-round water supplies in areas that currently suffer during the dry season.
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It's the very end of the dry season now in Southern Africa, and the land is a dull, lifeless beige.
The plan would displace about 30, 000 people and affect tens of thousands more who graze cattle there in the dry season.
They spawn at the end of the dry season, so that the coming floods can carry the fry to the flood-plain.
For this reason, it is considered futile to attempt cloud seeding during a dry season, when moisture in the atmosphere is scarcer.
Silted-up rivers must be expensively dredged before the dry season ends in May, or they will flood again with the first rains.
It corresponds with a weaker south-west monsoon and a longer dry season.
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Less than one-sixth of the total Mekong catchment is in China, but that upstream flow is crucial to neighbours during the dry season.
In the dry season, though, after the crop has been harvested, the trees shoot upwards and reach three metres in height in eight months.
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Speculators might purchase corn futures, or the Teucrium Corn Fund (CORN), during a dry season expecting prices to rise on a thin harvest.
In the dry season months of June to October the undergrowth is less dense and the chimps frequently come down near the main lodge area to feed.
That requires a consistent flow through the turbines, which in turn requires rainwater to be held in a reservoir for use in the dry season.
These few survivors, she explains, follow the fish in the dry season to deep pools in the bed of the river near Kratie, in Cambodia.
But in China, hydropower dams on the Lancang (upper Mekong) will operate to store part of the monsoon flow and release it during the dry season.
All of these climbs and hikes can be done year round, with the dry season (late June to October, and late December to early March) generally the most favourable times.
To break free of this unhappy equilibrium, farmers must set aside a portion of their land to grow cash crops in the dry season, when they fetch a high price.
The runoff of Zongo Glacier Bolivia, 16S shows an appreciable seasonal variability, with low discharges in the dry season May to August and high values in the humid season October to March .
The recent decrease in rainfall has occurred during the country's dry season, and has thus affected only the second rice crop, which accounts for a fifth of the total in a normal year.
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In Southeast Asia, where they originate, they live in irrigation ditches and rice paddies, thriving there until the dry season, when their pools shrink and they squirm along to the next pocket of water.
"Glaciers provide about 15% of the La Paz water supply throughout the year, increasing to about 27% during the dry season, " said co-author Alvaro Soruco from the Institute of Geological and Environmental Investigations in Bolivia.
The smog arrives around this time every year, as loggers and farmers on Indonesia's island of Sumatra and the Indonesian part of Borneo take advantage of the dry season to clear land by burning trees and scrub.
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