Two years ago Forbes thought the Rockport works a dubious project (Feb. 10, 1997).
And some of the science is dubious (though not nearly so much as, say, Prometheus).
The dubious duck plunks only one note before Bugs stops him, but that's just as well.
And we are going to begin our conversation with a couple of dubious records.
Mr Whittam told the jury an expert studying the device said its claims were highly dubious.
But how do you keep from choosing a dubious financial partner while falling head over heels?
FORBES: Is Your Partner A Financial Frog? Check Out These 8 Signs
Which Test umpire, modern or past, has the dubious distinction of awarding the most lbws?
If actuaries had a free hand, they would discriminate against all sorts of statistically dubious groups.
Mr. Mayne does not deal in dubious recall or venture into questionable aesthetic quagmires.
An even bigger problem is that the IRS' legal grounds for its attack are dubious.
Dish Network has the dubious honor of being the new owner of Blockbuster.
It almost certainly means that there will more embarrassing revelations to come over dubious marketing practices.
And think of the poor set: crouched like a convict inside a dubious piece of furniture.
Those familiar with over-the-counter remedies to boost athletic performance remain dubious on their effectiveness.
Still, Spears no longer ranks last in our rankings--a dubious title she earned last year.
"Energy" drinks that have taurine, as if that dubious chemical were what gave you a lift.
They said they were fired for not hiding dubious practices at the Broadacres, N.
Prime Minister Erdogan's own commitment to freedom of expression is dubious, say democracy activists here.
Once considered an interloper with dubious endurance, Djokovic, 24, now stands as the sport's alpha.
Both parties' claims are dubious and will be difficult to substantiate one way or another.
It would be a pity if the book's dubious title discouraged a wider readership.
Such actions were counterproductive and of dubious legitimacy, a columnist in the Harvard Law Record argued.
And without the vehicle for mischief, some dubious new measures might never become law.
Thanks to some dubious accounting, a large number of such schemes have not been funded properly.
ECONOMIST: The retired are always supported by their children
By using dubious transfer prices, baseball-owners can switch profits from the teams to cable companies.
Mr Woodford was fired last October after he questioned dubious payments made by the firm.
This, in their view, increases the chance that the publications are dubious, flawed, or outright fraudulent.
One way is to use the criminal justice system to attack those with dubious pasts.
ECONOMIST: The job of Poland's government is reform, not revenge
Rosen is a little dubious, and he wants to hear what Drexler thinks of their prospects.
It is only that I only fall under the dubious umbrella of 'public figure.