Mattel alone has announced two recalls within the past month due to the lead paint issue.
Mr Lewis added that he would be making an announcement on this issue in due course.
Overall police numbers hit a nine-year low in 2012, due to tighter budget constraints slowing recruitment.
Hinkley B, which started generating in 1976, is due to be turned off in 2023.
An ongoing programme, due for completion in 2015, is improving airstrip infrastructure across the country.
The draft plan is due to be published for public consultation in the spring.
It is due for release on both sides of the Atlantic on 14 May.
Asia is a particular standout, due to its experience with the SARS virus in 2003.
The National Commission may undertake the following due diligence in relation to applicants for Grant funding.
Vodafone also says it pays the taxes due in every country in which it operates.
More than half the rise in the population of England and Wales was due to migration.
And here we are under the impression that rising pump prices were due to strengthening demand!
The walled and moated city of Angkor Thom sits about a mile due north of Angkor Wat.
Bee populations in the UK have fallen with the destruction of their homes due to industry and development.
Due to the importance of these discussions and the value represented by our proposal, we expect the Yahoo!
One out of 12 surveyed charities said they were in imminent danger of folding due to financial reasons.
Lake Malawi is classified as a Unesco World Heritage site due to its diversity of endemic fish.
The squad is due to arrive in Bangalore on 15 February, with the first ODI four days later.
But half that group of boys was still there, and more were due to arrive the next day.
You will hear the whole record in due time and I am sure it will all make sense.
The ASSP approach is becoming less attractive due to the flexibility requirement stated above.
They close early to save on electricity, or close early due to slower business.
FORBES: Casual Summer Work Environment Kills Productivity and Profits
Early years and sixth form funding are due to be protected under the plans.
The planning application is due to be considered by Cotswold District Council on 12 June.
Their numbers are dwindling due to poaching and the destruction of their habitats by humans.
For more, check out my upcoming Jay-Z book, due out this winter for Penguin.
Junior minister Matthew Hancock is due to give evidence to the committee on Monday.
But the Planning Inspectorate later said the decision was issued due to an administrative error.
So after due consideration, I took the challenge and moved to Kuala Lumpur with my family.
"We're looking at the credibility of the complainant and using due diligence, " the official said.