They sang as they dug, their tuneless songs keeping time to the beat of a cooking pot drum.
Fortunately, my team helped me and encouraged me and so I dug deep and kept going.
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And the hole dug by that recession in jobs terms was more than 8.5 million.
Fyodorov dug in his heels, bracing his feet against one of the working crossties.
People have dug there in the last 100 years and found a Roman bathhouse.
One person who first dug a pit was thought to be a bit proud.
On the 25th, he spent the night in a village, dug in with some other replacements.
Labour councillor Ben Grower has long called for the reef to be dug up.
At one end, not enough cheap coal is being dug up and gasfields are sputtering.
But the Welsh dug deep in defence and limited Bristol to one more Strange penalty.
But the last six weeks I've dug in and that's obviously why I've been picked.
Instead, the sites are usually quickly dug up by grieving family members, leaving evidence compromised.
It said the accident occurred after people dug in dangerous areas of the mine.
On the drive home his son dug up a lot more of the same on Twitter.
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Two World War II explosive devices have been dug up in a garden in Plymouth.
Federal agents had already dug up what they insisted was evidence of systematic tax fraud.
But this person is sharp, and not usually prone to verbal linkbait, so I dug deeper.
The city dug in, hiring lawyers from three firms and making Baron the lead attorney.
The French assembled a clinic where parents had dug for a trapped child unsuccessfully for days.
David Lepeska recently dug through the findings on city cameras as crime deterrents.
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Illinois, like other states, has dug its super-sized pension pothole in other ways as well.
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He also wants the children's bones to be dug up, forensically tested and returned home.
But, again, this is an example of where everybody gets so dug in on their positions.
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He dug into the Civil Rights struggle with his We Insist: The Freedom Now Suite.
In other words, Dolan could have just dug in and waited for the ruling.
Wright dug in, slashing overhead--like much of the real-time newsroom--and unloading underperforming print publications.
We dug in, hoping Miguel and Gertrude were enjoying their dinners just as much.
They were found in exploration trenches being dug at the abandoned Odeon cinema on Hunter Street.
After skimming a few histories, I dug deeper, reading the letters and journals of early explorers.
Until the roots of that problem are dug up, the weedy issue will continue to appear.
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