• But I gazed long and raptly at the wonderful textures of spongy grass, dully reflective flagstones, and dreaming concrete.

    NEWYORKER: Flashes of Light

  • And so it goes dully on, a political process constipated by its own lack of real conviction, hence one that's only ever really animated by scandal.

    BBC: A Point of View: Lords, lordlings and�� crumpets

  • Its dark panels shone dully under the hall light.

    NEWYORKER: Miracle Polish

  • Not a dully personal secret, like an affair or a small crime or, say, a missing testicle but a scientific secret, that rare kind of secret that, in our current age, still manages to bend our knee.

    NEWYORKER: The Region of Unlikeness

  • He nodded towards the pain inflicted by storm Sandy and then moved on to the stump speech that anyone who has attended more than one rally knows so well - the five-point plan, the anecdote about the US flag rescued from the space shuttle Challenger disaster, the dully-delivered homilies about the need for change.

    BBC: Barack Obama's 'firewall' burning - Republicans

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