When Pavlo went out into the field to dun the debtors, he found a wild and woolly world.
"I love it here, " he says, surveying the windswept, dun-coloured fells and snowy moors on the horizon.
The other two, both operated by the Sisters of Mercy in Dun Laoghaire and Galway, were missing substantial records.
The Bush Administration has been pushing Congress to authorize the use of private debt collectors in dun for back taxes.
The 1000 GMT Stena Line ferry service between Holyhead and Dun Laoghaire was cancelled due to the arctic weather conditions.
It is a typically early-Cubist, dun-colored congeries of arrowing lines and shaded planes, nudging in and out of shallow pictorial depth.
Within a week Manglik visited her and their father in Dehra Dun.
Speaking of which, this optional dongle plugs into the handset's proprietary connector, includes a pass-through power socket, and supports hands-free and DUN profiles.
Wyoming is one of the larger states by area, but the smallest by population, dominated by the discouraging, dun-coloured nothingness of the High Plains.
The mother recently packed her daughter's clothes into a bag and locked it in the room where she stayed on breaks from studies in Dehra Dun.
In the documentation calling for the day to marked, historian Mike Dun described it as "a minor little skirmish in Jersey that history has largely forgotten".
Most day-trippers head for the largest island of the group, Inis More, with its spectacular Dun Aengus fort, a pre-Christian monument built in the 2nd Century BC.
Helgeland and the production designer, Richard Hoover, re-create the shabbiness and the discomforts of pre-television baseball before the big money poured in the cruddy, dun-colored dressing rooms and the scrappy fields.
Apple is worth eight Dells, eight Newmont Minings, 10 Kelloggs, 12 Alcoas, 20 Campbell Soups, 25 NYSE stock exchanges, 40 Hasbros, 50 Dun and Bradstreets, 60 Etrades, 100 Eastman Kodaks, 120 New York Times?