Having courted conservatives during his election campaign in 1988, he spurned them in government.
Mr Tipping promised to hold a consultation on the issue during his election campaign.
London Mayor Boris Johnson said during his election campaign driverless trains would be operational within a decade.
Obama, during his election campaign, made the crisis in Darfur a major focus.
During his election campaign he made no secret of his admiration for America and his desire to mend Franco-American relations.
But Francois Hollande directly challenged the German narrative during his election campaign.
BBC: Dinner in Brussels - jobs, growth and break-up on the menu
During his election campaign Mr Abe had also suggested that the central bank should print "unlimited" yen to help stoke an increase in consumer prices.
They, too, are expected to increase and that will be acutely embarrassing for President Francois Hollande who promised, during his election campaign, to bring unemployment down.
Once a confirmed Eurosceptic, still painfully Euro-hesitant during his election campaign, now apparently an ardent pro-European, he still seems hazy about what kind of Europe he seeks.
During his election campaign, Garcia assured Peru's business sector that he would not repeat the leftist populist policies of his 1985-1990 presidency - a promise he has kept.
During his election campaign Mr Abe had even hinted that the government may look at altering the law that ensures the central bank's independence if it does not take adequate steps.
European Union countries wanted to know whether Bush would return to negotiations on sealing the 1997 Kyoto pact on reducing pollution blamed for climate change, an agreement he had called "unfair to America" during his election campaign.
Analysts said that with Mr Abe's Liberal Democratic Party and its coalition partner having a two-thirds majority in the lower house, it was highly likely that Mr Abe will be to implement the measures that he had promised during his election campaign.
McConnell noted that Reid did not visit Kentucky during his re-election campaign in 2008.
President Reagan tapped him for a photo op during his re-election campaign swing through Boston (the Gipper took blue state Massachusetts that year).
Obama announced his support last year during his re-election campaign.
In 2008, she worked for Vice President Biden in various capacities, travelling with him as his Issues Director during the general election campaign and serving as his Deputy Chief of Staff and Policy Director in the U.S. Senate -- where she managed domestic and economic policy development and legislative initiatives -- as well as his principal domestic policy advisor during his own Presidential campaign.
Gareth Thomas, the Labour MP for Harrow West and a former international development minister, told the committee he had been "worried" by the influx of Conservative money into his constituency during the general election campaign.
BBC: Michael Farmer and Stuart Wheeler on donors & influence
Anastasiades, who only assumed the Cypriot presidency on March 1st, had vehemently rejected any idea of going after deposits to help pay for a bailout during the campaign and after his election.
Mr Obama's economic blueprint is likely to have a familiar ring - he pledged during last year's election campaign to create a million manufacturing jobs during his second term.
Mr Westendorp banned Mr Seselj from entering the Bosnian Serb republic during the September election campaign, because of his negative statements on the role of the international community in Bosnia.
BBC: News | Europe | Nationalist leader kicked out of Bosnia
Blagojevich commenced his re-election campaign in 2006 by promising not to raise state income or sales taxes during his second term.
Mr Balls was caught by the police using his mobile phone while driving during the 2010 general election campaign.
During the London election campaign Mr Livingstone made clear his intention to do all he could to get the government to join the euro.
Often the switcher faces the full financial and strategic force of his or her abandoned political party during the re-election campaign and falls prey to a party scorned.
It was during last year's election campaign that Mr Abe and his Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) proposed the event to mark the day in 1952 when the San Francisco Peace Treaty took effect, formally ending WWII and the allied occupation.
John Major was credited with dealing with hecklers well when he stood on his soapbox to shout above a Luton crowd during the 1992 general election campaign.
BBC: The public encounters politicians might prefer to forget
Fellow recipient Sue Nye, who will join the Lords for the Labour Party, found herself in the spotlight during the election campaign when Mr Brown appeared to blame her for his encounter with Gillian Duffy - the Rochdale pensioner he was recorded privately calling "bigoted".
For four-term congressman Altmire, he said he was being consistent in his vote against Holder, using the same strategy he touted during the 2010 election and in campaign ads.
CNN: NRA sends Democrats a message over Holder contempt vote
The BBC's Paul Reynolds in Washington says the move is a break from the total opposition Mr Bush expressed during the election campaign, but is the most restricted one he could probably have taken given his pro-life position.