During the school year, the foundation's grants provide money help transport children to pools for lessons.
The project started in May 2003 and successfully provided textbooks to children during the school year 2003-2004.
At this time, Kristin is working mostly during the summer and just a few days during the school year.
This will require your student to work during the summer, and it may necessitate part-time work during the school year.
The community was very clear: We love what the Golden Backpack Program does for the kids during the school year.
Between a six-day rotation and nearly a dozen types of timetables, the administrators could accommodate any contingency that might arise during the school year.
The plaintiff conducts its mail order business by mailing catalogs monthly during the school year to classrooms at nursery, primary and secondary schools throughout the United States, including Connecticut.
But Mr Evans said that "where appropriate" pupils in Wales should continue to do modular courses, picking up marks that count towards their final grades during the school year.
In the upcoming school year, we will increase the student school day by 30 minutes, resulting in 87.5 more hours of instruction during the school year for all Longley students.
But one of the points I did not make in the original article is that many, if not most internships take place during the school year, and are awarded academic credit.
There have been times I had as many as 14 law or business students interning during the school year or summer and we have a UC Irvine law student in the office currently.
They all reckon the Welsh Government is right to build on the current system, right to give schools the choice of pinning everything on one set of exams or letting pupils pick up marks during the school year.
Entitled "School House Hype", the report reveals that the number of school shooting deaths across the United States was lower during the past school year than five years ago.
BBC: News | Education | Level of US school shootings 'exaggerated'
Chicago had 700 iPads in 23 public schools during the past school year.
The effort will be rolled out in a pilot program in 16 school districts during the 2012-13 school year.
Nevertheless, it's reported that over three times as many infringement notices have been sent out during the 2006 - 2007 school year versus the year prior, but the RIAA did attribute some of that boost to its heightened awareness and tracking capabilities.
ENGADGET: RIAA lists top 25 universities handing out piracy notices
According to IPEDS, about 70 percent of undergraduate students attended public four-year and two-year institutions during the 2007-2008 school year.
FORBES: Tablets And Education: Why Innovative Hardware Is Not Enough
More than 190, 000 Chinese students studied in the U.S. during the 2011-12 school year, according to the Institute of International Education, a 23% increase from the year before.
About 280, 000 wrestlers competed during the 2011-2012 school year, according to the National Federation of State High School Associations.
During the 2008-09 school year, America's public schools reported more than 956, 000 homeless pupils, a 20% increase over the previous school year.
The new LSU MSA program follows a successful pilot during the 2011-2012 school year, where all graduates found employment within weeks of graduation.
FORBES: Arizona State Joins The Rolls Of Data Science Grad Programs
Additionally, colleges who agree to the Principles of Excellence for Serving Military and Veterans will begin using this form during the 2013-14 school year.
The United States attracts the most international students, according to the Institute of International Education, with 691, 000 students studying abroad in the US during the 2009 to 2010 school year.
Any university team in an NCAA-sanctioned sport had to "achieve a 900 multiyear APR or a 930 average over the most recent two years to be eligible" for postseason play during the 2012-2013 school year, according to Christianson.
The move, which would go into effect during the 2012-13 school year, certainly makes sense in football for both TCU (12-0), a Top Five team all season, and the lackluster Big East suffering through its worst year since forming a football league in 1992.
The grant would provide national NGOs with funds for the establishment of community learning centers for literacy and life skills training in Iraq in partnership with national authorities and the Ministry of Education during the upcoming 2011-2012 school year.
Most will turn 16 during the year and can leave school, but ministers are keen to raise Scotland's skills level so want to encourage them to stay on in education into a fifth or even sixth year and beyond.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | School exam results 'misleading'
Teachers update and add new material to the website during school holidays and get just seven weeks off each year, roughly the same as the average Swedish office worker.
And we want to make sure that we preserve the levels for those young people or not-so-young people who are going to school full-time during the year.
WHITEHOUSE: White House Press Briefing: President Obama on Budget Negotiations | The White House
Apparently this is scaring off at least some potential applicants: the number of people taking the Law School Admissions Test declined by 9.6% during the 2010-2011 academic year, to 155, 050, from 171, 500 in the previous year, according to the Law School Admission Council.