The slack body of Father Mychal Judge, seemingly at peace as he is carried through a dust cloud.
Donald Lamb of the University of Chicago and his colleagues think it might be just a dust cloud reflecting the glow of the burst, which is therefore nearby.
The extra weight and damaged engine meant he was forced to fly for 3 miles (4.8km) at around 20 ft (6m) from the ground, rather than the usual 50 ft (15m), creating a dust cloud which obscured his view.
For a moment, Haslet-Davis lay motionless amid a cloud of dust and mounting panic.
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The result will be a second, smaller crater, a cloud of dust and, with luck, a plume of steam.
Plowing the same patch on Thursday that he had plowed on Monday, sending up a cloud of dust that hovered in the air.
By observing the cloud of dust and gas kicked up by each impact, scientists knew they could obtain valuable data about the Moon's composition.
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Then, carried on a gust of wind, the sound became for moments a rhythmic tromp that relieved them as the human reason for the great cloud of dust.
Waits took to the stage dressed in a Chaplinesque suit, delivering his set from a slightly raised platform that gave up a cloud of dust each time he bashed his feet into it.
Over by the street-vendors, setting up their food stalls to tempt the hungry and exhausted, young men kick a ball about until the last of the light fades, scuffing up a cloud of dust with every footfall.
Freed believes that the lingering cloud of dust -- caused by the towers' collapse and the digging out of ground zero -- caused some of her long- and short-term medical problems, such as her "WTC cough" and other respiratory issues.
Harris dazzled everyone and soon was on Blue Note with A Cloud of Red Dust in 1998.
For now, the workers labour in a cloud of red dust, stirred up by the earth-moving equipment.
"The system is very chaotic and collisions are spraying up a huge cloud of fine dust, " Su said.
Along the bank, a breeze sweeps pink sand into the water, a cloud of fairy dust twinkling in a beam of sun.
The Spitzer team, led by Kate Su of the University of Arizona, Tucson, says the giant cloud of fine dust around the disk is very unusual.
Sweet Spot Petra has gobbled up market share in Southeast Asia, leaving its European and U.S. competitors in a cloud of cocoa dust. 2005 market share (dollar value) Source: Euromonitor International.
Placing a cloud of tungsten dust into orbit.
FORBES: Solving the Space Junk Problem -- With More Space Junk?
Even though they account for only about 1% of the mass of a typical interstellar cloud, interstellar dust grains play a crucial role in the creation of this rich variety of molecules and in the process of star formation.
One rocket leaves the launch pad, executes a 90-degree turn about 50 feet off the ground, streaks at several hundred miles an hour straight toward a group of landsailers, crashing just short of them in a cloud of white dust.
The symphonious clamor was everywhere, filling the sky like the cloud of red dust that arrowed past them to the south and left the sky dim, it was the great processional of the Union armies, but of no more substance than an army of ghosts.
In the second video, dazed people can be seen staggering or running through a cloud of smoke or dust.
Mr. EICHER: We can't really understand the solar system and how it got going unless we can really understand the origins and the conditions that happened when the solar nebula, this cloud of gas and dust, contracted down and the star turned on and the planets got going.
Actually, the cloud industry is moving at hyper speed, leaving Microsoft in the dust.
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