Time to dust off the old resume or give it a complete linguistic overhaul.
It is not too late for the new government to dust off that report.
Time to panic, then, or at least dust off those doom-laden predictions of a double-dip recession?
So dust off the records of your disastrous S corp investments and see if you're a winner.
Dust off your thinking caps, modernize your reviews, and capitalize on your most valuable asset (your people).
National governments are being pressed to dust off old laws, or pass new ones, aimed at corporations.
First, they have to dust off an outdated and incomplete playbook and relearn how to manage major projects.
So pick up your favourite spirit or dust off that bottle of sherry and head to the Juice Club on Bedfordbury Street.
Normally, when the oil price rises, Saudi Arabia's rulers dust off their laurels and lay thoughts of reform to rest.
Officer Jon Baker from early 80s show CHiPs, played by actor Larry Wilcox, had to dust off his old cop uniform.
These are homes where authors turned ideas into page-turners, and maybe even inspired the next book choice you dust off the shelf.
Nasa's Mars rover Curiosity has used its brush tool for the first time to sweep dust off the surface of a rock.
"It is not acceptable for either party merely to dust off pre-September 11 agendas and re-label them as 'economic stimulus, ' " he said.
Democrats would dust off all of the hysterical statements that they made about the 1996 welfare reform law and turn up the volume.
FORBES: Conservatives Are Missing The Point On Welfare Reform
Plug in the Wii-style sensor bar, dust off your old Wii Remote or Balance Board and you'll find everything syncs and works just as it did before.
That's because the president now seems left with little choice but to dust off a trade deal he signed nearly a year ago and send it to Congress for ratification.
Well if Protect DVD and other tools like it take off, you may have to dust off that old player and return it to its rightful home in your gear rack.
ENGADGET: Protect DVD-Video prevents discs from playing on your PC
But, while there are the obvious differences between those who dust off their bats once a year for a trip down memory lane and the world's elite, in terms of quality, there are far more serious variations.
My guess is that my fellow Texans would look around and decide which Ranger to set on these guys, make it clear that this was not the ride we had signed on for, dust off that old treaty and work out an exit strategy.
My rule is to write about decisions in the last couple of months and quite often I stick with the last couple of days, but the passing of Doctor Joyce Brothers has inspired me to get in the way-back machine and dust off Bank of Stockton v.
FORBES: Doctor Joyce Brothers Cameo In Tax Court And Women's History
Instead, dust yourself off and jump right back into practicing the new way of working.
After that, you need to dust yourself off and get out there and hit the streets.
Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America.
By Monday November 30th, the principal stock indices were shaking off the dust and venturing upwards again.
Workers in blue uniforms and blue hairnets were moving in swift precision around long temperature-controlled assembly lines, sealed off from dust and contamination by glass walls.
The birth and death phases of stars, for example, are associated with heavy dust clouds that give off an infra-red signal which might resemble the swarm of artificial satellites constituting a Dyson sphere.
ECONOMIST: Is it time for a new approach to finding extraterrestrials?
Mahindra is aligning with this social phenomenon and is provoking people to think and ask questions and, in the process, blow the dust and spider webs off of the established ways of doing things.
And the more the mouse was used the more dust it would pick up off the tabletop, and the more it would skip.