The erosive effects of our maturation create us, sloughing and shedding, dusting and polishing as we grow.
The worst of Friday's bad weather was avoided and only a slight dusting of snow arrived.
She was intrigued to discover that maids in Italy spent a great deal of time dusting ceilings.
Dusting off the once-proud Taurus nameplate and putting it on the slow-selling Five Hundred doesn't make things clearer.
Alas, the pedestal and hinge 'round the back have a glossy piano black finish that will demand dusting.
This year the statue was given a dusting and put on display, although its future is still unclear.
Well-meaning activists are dusting off their old strategies of research, regulation, and litigation to use against Big Food.
"We are definitely dusting off a lot of the high-tax-rate strategies that have fallen into disuse, " says Isdale.
But you know the Republicans are already dusting off their old talking points.
WHITEHOUSE: Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Phoenix Awards Dinner | The White House
Rather than dusting or other chemical techniques, this team has developed a means of detecting fingerprints using an electrostatic charge.
FORBES: Can Forensic Scientists Tell How Old A Fingerprint Is?
When he displays a bit too much expertise dusting off a pair of thieves, a detective (Takeshi Kaneshiro) starts poking around.
WSJ: Hollywood's New Kick: Why Everybody Is Kung Fu Fighting
Use this season of rebirth and renewal (think: buds on the trees, baby bunnies) to give your skills a good dusting off.
FORBES: Spring Clean Your Career: Online And Offline Quick-Fixes
Domestic travelers can thank fellow Americans who are dusting off their passports.
This year, however, the government is giving itself a special dusting down.
In the cozy apartments of the Upper East Side, residents were polishing off boots, waxing in ski equipment, and dusting off winter gear.
Oklahoma City received a dusting of snow from a large storm system that has been moving eastward through the nation's midsection this week.
After the 2008 bailout, the biggest banks spent the last year dusting themselves off, shoring up their capital and finding new areas of growth.
The startling sight of the submerged caldera, almost encircled by sheer lava-layered cliffs and topped by a dusting of towns, should not be missed.
Others say that producers are dusting off the classics and readying them for colour releases after the success of many remixed old Bollywood songs.
While they still go through the familiar childhood transitions, the process of dusting off the past and reinventing oneself is a much more complicated process.
Temperatures hover around 10 degrees centigrade during winter days, although if you are lucky, experiencing the Coliseum with a dusting of snow is magical.
The valley seemed barren now, he said, but in the spring, after a dusting of rain, it would be bright with cactus blossoms and yellow creosote.
"It is case of dusting ourselves down over the next couple of days, " said Martin Corry, who captained England in the absence of the suspended Phil Vickery.
Antitrust experts weren't surprised by Monday's news that with an initial review of conduct by large U.S. telecom companies, the Justice Department had started dusting off Section 2.
WSJ: Sherman Stirs: U.S. Revives Section 2 of the Antitrust Act
Wollheim describes her extraordinary system of cleaning the house room by room daily, moving all the furniture to the center of the room, then dusting, sweeping and vacuuming.
They're dusting off their smokers and 8-inch wood-handled bee brushes.
Dusting off America's crisis-management ideas makes sense: they were effective.