The government has been trying to stem price rises by cutting import duties and excise taxes.
And buyers of other marquees are hit with excise duties and sales taxes of 25% to 65% depending on price, while Proton buyers are charged half that.
Import duties and other taxes make it so that the Brazilian buying a muscular Jeep Cherokee could have bought three of them if they were living in Miami like their friends.
As the national car, the Timor will be free from import duties and luxury taxes as long as it has 20% local content after the first year of operation, 40% after the second and 60% after the third.
Speculation is that President Bush's proposal to eliminate all estate duties and Federal inheritance taxes might not survive the final negotiations.
The OTS's remit covers UK taxes and duties administered by HM Revenue and Customs, but it will not deal with tax credits or taxes administered by other bodies nor will it have any influence on setting tax rates.
His company, Montrose, now sells more than 1, 000 cases a month and expects sales to double this year, despite taxes and duties which add 121% to the price of imported wines.
The Constitution gave Congress the power to collect duties, imposts and excise taxes but prohibits taxes between the states.
Kamprad has shrouded his business in an opaque collection of trusts and holding companies, in part to shelter Ikea from Sweden's confiscatory taxes and death duties.
Until recently they were exempt from taxes, import duties and most government regulation.
"We pay a wide array of fees, duties and we pay all of the taxes we are required to pay, " Darr told CNN.
Crude-oil costs are a bigger slice of the prices American consumers pay for petrol: lower sales taxes and fuel duties mean swings in oil markets have a bigger effect on pump prices.
It now allows foreigners 100% ownership of businesses, and has set up free zones where these pay neither import duties nor (for 12 years) taxes on labour and utilities.
Twenty-six execs with related duties oversee ethics and compliance for everything from taxes to pollution to the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Looking ahead, Winter says the biggest challenge for Fastjet is dealing with lack of airport infrastructure, as well as high taxes imposed by governments and rocketing fuel duties.
The only specific commitments given by Mr Portillo were that a Tory government would cut taxes on business and enterprise, cut duties on fuel, restore the married couple's tax allowance and provide encouragement to increase private spending on health.
Under an agreement between Kabul and Washington, the U.S. military can bring equipment in and out of Afghanistan without being subject to taxes or customs duties.