Outside China, companies broadly understand that they owe their primary duty of care to their investors.
For nurses and many others, the "duty of care" is now both a legal and professional obligation.
It requires the claimant to establish that they were owed a duty of care which was breached.
"We've got a duty of care to shoppers and traders to run a market safely, " said Mr Andrew.
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Prosecutor Alison Storey said there had been insufficient evidence on whether anyone had breached their duty of care.
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There was a "duty of care" to students entering the final year of their degree courses, said Mark Field.
Theoretically the French state has a duty of care for unaccompanied minors, but these teenagers must prove their age.
But Labour councillor Lindsley Harvard said the authority had a duty of care to both employees and the public.
However, the court also heard the company had a "duty of care" to ensure the work was carried out safely.
The farm has admitted liability but brought a claim against the HPA and Tandridge, arguing they owed it a duty of care.
They are also suggesting TfL has failed in its duty of care.
What duty of care do the Shariah authorities owe the financial institutions?
"We have a duty of care to try to prevent young people descending into illegal activities which could ruin their lives, " she said.
"With the western governments you've got the view which is predominant that they've got a duty of care towards the hostages, " he added.
It was disastrous on the part of the senior officers who had a public duty and were paid to exercise that duty of care.
By knowingly serving drinks at such dangerous temperatures they are being negligent and failing to exercise the duty of care that is every customers right.
He and Gwynedd Skip Hire Limited were also found guilty of five counts of deposit of controlled waste at Bryn Farm, and duty of care offences.
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He is suing the agency for breaching the Environment Act 1995 claiming it had a duty of care to consult landowners when planning the otter initiative.
Analysts may have a legal duty of care for their retail customers, which means, for example, offering them only such advice as they would give to themselves.
The comprehensive report has recommended the racing industry remain self-regulated "within a statutory framework", and regarding duty of care to the dogs under the recent Animal Welfare Act.
High Court judge Mr Justice Field said in 2010 that risk assessments were inadequate but the game was reasonably safe and there was no breach of a duty of care.
If people drink in pubs there would be a duty of care from the pub landlord or lady lady and they could turn them out when they got too drunk.
As a result, insurance premiums are rising for reporters who work abroad, and employers are increasingly worried about their duty of care and potential legal liability for deaths or injuries.
Crossbencher Lord Scott of Foscote, a former law lord, argued that all road users had a duty of care for others, regardless of whether they were motorists, pedestrians or cyclists.
Spokeswoman Sarah Emerson said the farm sought a contribution from the HPA and Tandridge council, but the High Court ruling said no duty of care was owed by the public authorities.
When the certificant provides financial planning or material elements of financial planning, the certificant owes to the client the duty of care of a fiduciary as defined by the CFP Board.
FORBES: Differences Between Stockbrokers, Investment Advisors And Financial Planners
However, in one case, it found subsidiary Shell Nigeria culpable of neglecting its duty of care and ruled that: "Shell could and should have prevented this sabotage in an easy way".
In a statement, Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust said it did not admit liability in this case and did not believe there had been a breach of duty of care to Mr Nash.
According to the report, Duty of Care: Improving support for Victims of Crime, the Met's victim satisfaction rating was 74% in the 12 months to June 2012 with 16% dissatisfied with the service.
It was originally dismissed in 2010 by a High Court judge who said risk assessments were inadequate but the game was reasonably safe and there was no breach of a duty of care.