Whether slim or fat, a person leading a sedentary lifestyle has similar chances of dying young to a smoker.
She quickly took over as regent and remained in power (two of her sons dying young) until her third son, Henry III, eventually pushed her aside shortly before her death in 1589.
But the idea of a talent like Ledger dying so young left readers grasping for clues--and buying magazines in search of them.
Very sad to hear about yet another great singer dying too young.
He had earlier been an uninhibited legacy-hunter, expediently making friends with a dying but wealthy young man.
The image of a young woman dying in the streets is still seared in our memory.
In Momonoura, an oyster-farming village, fishermen whose families have harvested the sea for centuries realise that, tsunami or not, their community is dying out, since young men and women do not want to step into their grandfathers' rubber boots.
College leaders must prune the dying parts to allow the young, growing buds to thrive.
But instead of using the medal controversy to warmly recount compelling stories of his heroism -- like how he helped save a dying fellow soldier as a young, wounded officer -- Kerry has somehow managed to get lost in an argument over details, important details, but details nevertheless.
"It's a dying game, " and the young people who have been adopting it aren't enough to save it, says Don Plucinski, who sold his Mount Holly, N.
However good the care of these children, it is hard to imagine robust economic growth where so many adults are dying in their productive prime, leaving the very young and the very old to cope alone.
Ask them why the numbers of Welsh speakers is down here, there, pretty much everywhere and they'll tell you it's a combination of things - over-reporting in 2001, parents not speaking it to their children, older Welsh speakers dying, fewer children being born, bright, young Welsh speakers leaving the heartlands to come to Cardiff, leaving Wales and disappearing from the figures altogether.
Young Tom would win three Opens more before dying at age 24.
FORBES: Andy Zhang And The Youngest Golfers Ever To Play In Each Of Golf's Major Tournaments
One tells the tale of a young girl who turned into a tree after dying unhappily and brought sorrow to the Hani people.
Two things: Young people started talking to each other, and old people started dying.