Narratives often centre on historical epics featuring dynastic royalty, concubines, deities and supernatural creatures.
Indian voters actually still do not seem to have a problem with dynastic politics.
People don't pay the same attention to that kind of dynastic influence as they once did.
Uganda's president, Yoweri Museveni, looks increasingly like a dynastic ruler bent on enriching his clan.
This is a record of dynastic continuity unmatched in Asia or anywhere else in the world.
So that dynastic principle was invoked with regard to the prophet's cousin and son-in-law, Ali.
The Manchu emperor abdicated in February 1912, ending over 2, 000 years of dynastic rule.
He is reluctant to confront his alliance partners, despite their corruption and dynastic rivalries.
Be mindful that taxes do as much damage to small investors as they do to dynastic families.
The gut dislike of death duties seems to arise because the tax clashes with heartfelt dynastic instincts.
Ms Van Biezen thinks that as parties hollow out, celebrity and dynastic politicians may become more prevalent.
The Chinese are talking about how they used to approach the world in the dynastic era, says Mr. Hill.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Charles Hill: The Empire Strikes Back
Mr Gandhi has said he believes in a more democratic politics and that merit should score over dynastic privilege.
Lithuania eventually adopted Christianity, along with a dynastic deal with Poland, in 1387.
"Use of goat or sheep skins in dynastic burials was rare because these materials were regarded ritually impure, " it says.
Congress, despite able technocrats, like Mr Singh, remains an antiquated dynastic machine.
He was a cautious man, methodically feeling his way, but I think he sensed an evident opportunity and acknowledged a dynastic responsibility.
The unstable international order was the product of the collapse of the great dynastic empires in 1918-19 and a dysfunctional world economy.
But this sort of dynastic politics too is hardly special to Catamarca.
Maybe all parties--including the supposedly Westward-leaning dynastic ruler of Syria, Bashar Assad--soon will accept a modus vivendi allowing war-weary peoples to live better.
This reflects worries that Congress is making little progress in winning back support in India's Hindi-speaking northern heartland, and needs his dynastic charisma.
Caroline Matilda had embarked for Copenhagen and for a fateful dynastic marriage overseas that her brother, King George III, was bitterly to regret having arranged.
In Shia Islam, this leader was known as the Imam, whose authority, both worldly and religious, was passed down in a style of dynastic succession.
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The law of diminishing dynastic interest seemed to be kicking in.
As happens often in dynastic family business sagas, it fell to the second generation to transform a humdrum business with a combination of chutzpah and panache.
Second, the galleries of portraits reveal the extraordinary tentacle of the Habsburg family and the overweening preoccupation with dynastic succession and the demands of strategic alliances.
It does not help that the ageing Mr Singh has little clout of his own: he reports to the ailing Sonia Gandhi, the dynastic chief of Congress.
The Scandinavian warriors featured in Irish life from about 800 to 1169, but failed to conquer much of Ireland because they were drawn into Irish dynastic disputes.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | State is taking 'Viking treasure'
Mar Roxas, a dynastic senator himself, argues that demographics will gradually undermine political clans: as people move to the cities and receive more schooling, they will become more independent-minded.
Although most shareholders want to see it go even further, News Corp has been made to run itself less like a dynastic regime and more like a normal company.