If Mr Blair wants new female faces in his cabinet, an obvious choice is Patricia Hewitt , the energetic 52-year-old minister responsible for small business and e-commerce at the Department of Trade and Industry.
ECONOMIST: The queue for the cabinet
Instead, the Department of Commerce and e-commerce firms are pushing for a different solution: in effect, a new system of private laws, which would avoid the requirement to abide by the laws of the countries where their customers live.
ECONOMIST: Stop signs on the web
"Any firm that wants to expand at low cost will have to experiment with some form of e-commerce, " says Liu Yuhong, vice director for the computer center in Beijing's Xidan department store.
The latest results of the American Customer Satisfaction Index for retail and e-commerce show Amazon with a solid lead in customer satisfaction in both Internet retailing and across the entire department, discount and specialty retailer chain categories.
FORBES: Connect