It published its results not in a major scientific journal such as Nature or Science, but in an obscure online journal called e-biomed: The Journal of Regenerative Medicine, which many leading medical scientists don't read.
ECONOMIST: To clone or not to clone, is that the question? | The
Organization, since 2007, of events and training in support of open access, e-publishing, online journal management and institutional repositories.
UNESCO: Global Open Access Portal
It's the most e-mailed at the Wall Street Journal, you can look it up.
NPR: Eli Manning Takes After Mom
It was e-published in the leading toxicology journal, Toxicological Sciences on June 24 ahead of print publication.
FORBES: "Majestically Scientific" Federal Study On BPA Has Stunning Findings: So Why Is The Media Ignoring It?
He has endured the embarrassment of watching his private, self-aggrandizing e-mails--collected by Spitzer's investigators--leak into the pages of the Wall Street Journal.
FORBES: The Scapegoat
In a 2005 study from the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, people who wrote one-sentence e-mails were supremely overconfident in both their ability to communicate and their ability to detect sarcasm, seriousness, anger and sadness over e-mail.
CNN: A call to pick up the phone
Marcia Angell, a lecturer at Harvard University, former editor of The New England Journal of Medicine and author of The Truth About Drug Companies, wrote in an e-mail that ghostwriting practices are "evidently very common" in medicine.
FORBES: Pharma's Ghosts