After all the big source of e-cig stimulation is the nicotine, long accepted as a highly addictive substance.
More recently, after all Motorola employees received an e-mail from CFO DaveDevonshireDave Devonshire and RuthFattoriRuth Fattori, head of human resources, announcing that there would be severely reduced--if any--bonuses for staff this year, it was Devonshire who was selected to bring the bad news of the poor first half to Wall Street.
More recently, after all Motorola employees received an e-mail from CFO Dave Devonshire and Ruth Fattori , head of human resources, announcing that there would be severely reduced--if any--bonuses for staff this year, it was Devonshire who was selected to bring the bad news of the poor first half to Wall Street.
What if, after all your figuring, the Schedule E shows a loss?
Naming a shipper a winner might seem contrarian given well-documented evidence that more than half of all e-shoppers abandon their purchases after seeing the freight charges.
After all, even with bundled data plans, how many tablets or e-readers does one Dad need?
Is this slowdown due to a systemic, permanent shift (like the evolution of digital music or the e-book) or is the industry simply mimicking the overall business cycle (after all, job growth is down in many sectors of the economy today)?
Rather, Lyle said that the White House Office of Administration was knee-deep through most of 1999 -- after the e-mail problem has come to light -- in feverish efforts to make all White House computer systems "Y2K" compliant.
CNN: White House officials say e-mail problem was not a high priority at end of 1999
After searching for it all day, McCain's campaign late Friday found and e-mailed to reporters more of the interview -- with the ail subject line: "Jamie Rubin lied" --that they said proved McCain had been quoted out of context.
After the column appeared, I received several e-mails from readers telling me that I had it all wrong.
After the computer boots up, simply log into your Google account and all your apps, e-mail, calendar appointments and contacts load instantly.
The crew held a wounded pirate for about 12 hours, dressing his wounds "because he was bleeding all over the ship", she said, after communication with her husband Ken by phone and e-mail.