All across this country, there are people who meet their obligations each and every day.
Thank you so much for the great work that you guys do each and every day.
Entrepreneurial Philanthropy is a concept I discuss, and put into practice, nearly each and every day.
And we are so grateful for their service to our country each and every day.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at Staff Inaugural Ball
Our mission must be to live up to the values you uphold each and every day.
Each and every day they make the President and they make all of us look good.
We have millions of Indian-Americans who are helping to grow our country each and every day.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Singh Press Availability | The White House
The President spends time on this each and every day, regardless of where he is.
And as I said, you guys put your lives on the line each and every day.
Each and every day, your work is important to the people of this region.
In many ways you're seeing that accountability on the street each and every day in Tehran.
Because life is too short not to enjoy HD programming each and every day.
And so that's the kind of effect he's having on people each and every day.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama at Forum on American Latino Heritage
All across America are good, decent folks who meet their obligations each and every day.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Relief for the Middle Class at Tax Time
But anyone who characterizes teachers as overpaid is forgetting what we entrust them with each and every day.
And nobody has felt it more than folks back home, and you see it each and every day.
But I think that giving families support who have to work each and every day is absolutely critical.
That difference would be saving lives, and that is what we do at SAVE each and every day.
And it's one of -- it's a future that my administration is striving to achieve each and every day.
Trust yourself enough to live whatever value you represent each and every day.
Once you have the destination in place, then you have to relentlessly focus on it each and every day.
Implementing a strategic plan is a dynamic, fluid, constantly evolving process that requires focused action each and every day.
And those ideals are what you and all Jewish Americans continue to help us uphold each and every day.
And about the emerging hegemon that is mounting attacks against us each and every hour of each and every day?
And Senator Brown and Congresswoman Kilroy and others, I know this is their number one concern each and every day.
To all the local officials here who've been working so hard, we appreciate what you do each and every day.
WHITEHOUSE: A First-Hand Look at the Federal Response to the BP Oil Spill
There are still folks, as we speak, who are overseas, especially in Afghanistan, risking their lives each and every day.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to Servicemembers on Christmas
Their responsibilities get greater each and every day, even as the sanctions impact their economy more and more each day.
Our future is determined each and every day, when our children enter the classroom, ready to learn and brimming with promise.