But others, such as Texas Governor Rick Perry, himself an Eagle Scout, oppose such a move.
We packed light and paid for it, taking far too much assurance from our dozens of day hikes and old Eagle Scout badges.
The Boy Scouts policy has become a national issue since Ryan Andresen of California was dropped and denied Eagle Scout status after 12 years as a scout.
The younger Reid had "bold laughter and zest for life" and was "proud of his rank as an Eagle Scout, " said an online statement from the Frank C.
Following the example of my brothers, I became an Eagle Scout, and then, after persevering for many years, I earned every merit badge offered by the Boy Scouts of America.
James Dale, an Eagle Scout and former assistant troop leader who was kicked out of the Boy Scouts in 1990 because he is gay, said the issue is about fairness.
Former Eagle Scout John Stemberger, founder of OnMyHonor.
CNN: Boy Scouts to consider lifting ban on openly gay youths
Private First Class Aaron Nemelka was an Eagle Scout who just recently signed up to do one of the most dangerous jobs in the service -- diffuse bombs -- so that he could help save lives.
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Ferraro said in an email that Jepsen and Train were alerted to the Boy Scouts' regulation through the efforts of Eagle Scout Derek Nance, whose petition at change.org asked them to change their mind about playing the jamboree.
"I am forever an optimist, and I see it as a very big step forward in the right direction to which I will applaud, " said Barker, an Eagle Scout and married father of four, ages 4 months to 7 years.
CNN: Boy Scouts to consider lifting ban on openly gay youths
The change doesn't go far enough for James Dale, an Eagle Scout and former assistant troop leader who sued the scouts under New Jersey state law after he was kicked out of the Boy Scouts in 1990 because he is gay.
CNN: Boy Scouts to consider lifting ban on openly gay youths
"It's interesting that the BSA is leaking this beforehand, " said Eric Andresen, whose son Ryan was denied the Eagle rank after being a Scout for more than a decade.