But Earl Attlee said he hoped the students would not be disadvantaged in this way.
Earl Attlee, replying for the government, said the reforms were mainly aimed at privately run education institutions.
Earl Attlee confirmed that the government would consider the views of other countries when formulating future aviation policy.
Earl Attlee, the government's transport spokesman, said there were "strong incentives" for London Midland to put the problem right.
Transport spokesman Earl Attlee agreed that "passenger transport services to and from the mainland are regarded by residents... as a lifeline".
Ministers had no intention of making the wearing of reflective clothing or helmets a legal requirement for cyclists, Earl Attlee said.
Earl Attlee said this was "more or less right" and that drivers were also taking leave over half term to be with their families.
Earl Attlee said that he agreed "in principle" with Lord Clement-Jones.
BBC: Ministers updates peers on UK visa applications in Iraq
Earl Attlee told him there was "no need" for a PSO as the ferry operators were investing to keep the ship in operation "until at least 2018".
Earl Attlee acknowledged Cornwall's economic difficulties but argued that it was difficult to make comparisons between ferry services there and the "rather more complicated" services in Scotland.
Earl Attlee explained the government believed that universities represented the "least risk" of abuse and it wanted to "target the areas where risk of abuse is highest".
Earl Attlee said same-day travel tickets could be very expensive.
Transport spokesman Earl Attlee said that capacity at Heathrow was capped at 480, 000 "air transport movements" and that the government's planning assumed no plans for runway expansion before 2050.
Transport Minister Earl Attlee said that although cyclists were responsible for causing fewer injuries on the road than car drivers, it was still important for them to comply with road traffic laws.
At question time on 22 November 2010, government whip Earl Attlee said the error, discovered by Department for Transport officials, would be corrected next time the guide for road users is published.
Earl Attlee said the cost of tickets bought in advance "compare well with our continental partners" but admitted that, as confirmed by his personal experience, this was not the case with same-day travel.
Labour peer Lord Campbell-Savours told Earl Attlee that tickets purchased on the day of travel "are invariably far more expensive that advanced travel tickets", and asked whether the European comparisons were based "on the former or the latter".
Earl Attlee said a recent survey by Passenger Focus had reviewed UK rail fares and, although the "overall picture was mixed", the country compared favourably with other European countries "in respect of many ticket types, particularly on longer distance tickets purchased in advance".