So I need you to help me recruit 100, 000 new math and science teachers, improve early childhood education. (Applause.) Let's provide 2 million more workers the chance to learn skills at community colleges for jobs that are out there right now.
WHITEHOUSE: The White House
So I need you to help me recruit 100, 000 new math and science teachers, improve early-childhood education, give 2 million workers the chance to learn skills at the community college that will lead directly to a job.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at Campaign Event in Madison, WI
By law, student-teacher ratios can't exceed 10 to 1, lead teachers must have a bachelor's degree and an early-childhood certificate, and they must be paid on the same salary scale as K-12 teachers.
WSJ: Oklahoma Is Public Preschool's Test Case
So, New Hampshire, I need you to help me recruit 100, 000 math and science teachers, and improve early-childhood education, and give 2 million workers the skills they need at community colleges, and help colleges and universities cut tuition growth in half over the next 10 years.
WHITEHOUSE: The White House
Participants firmly insisted on the need for a stronger focus on early childhood care and education, more and better qualified teachers, as well as reform of post-primary education, including technical and vocational training, and the need to concentrate more on all aspects of the quality of education.
UNESCO: Education
Help me recruit 100, 000 math and science teachers within 10 years and improve early-childhood education.
WHITEHOUSE: The White House
In seven and a half years, he united education reformers, teachers, principals and business stakeholders behind an aggressive education reform agenda that included opening over 100 new schools, expanding after-school and summer learning programs, closing down underperforming schools, increasing early childhood and college access, dramatically boosting the caliber of teachers, and building public-private partnerships around a variety of education initiatives.
WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories
We can gut education to pay for tax breaks that we don't need, or we can recruit 100, 000 new math and science teachers -- (applause) -- focus on early childhood education, provide job training for 2 million more workers in our community colleges, help to lower tuition costs for our students going to college.
WHITEHOUSE: The White House