The retirement benefit collection status of your spouse in the month you file for early retirement benefits determines whether you are deemed to be also be applying for spousal benefits.
In many European countries these have, in effect, been providing early-retirement benefits.
By starting retirement benefits early, Sally permits Joe to start collecting a spousal benefit immediately.
The union won't want to give up any of its pension programs, with extra early retirement money, and 65% benefits for a retiree's surviving spouse.
One major difference is that Survivor Benefits can be claimed as early as age 60, rather than age 62 as with regular retirement benefits.
Early retirement for public sector workers was one of the benefits introduced by the Socialist-led government in the 1990s to compensate for low wages, the BBC's Nick Thorpe in Budapest reports.
This is partly because governments have learnt from their mistakes by restricting disability benefits and closing loopholes in the early-retirement rules.
Consequently, you should not be too concerned about working too much and losing your own retirement benefits if you elected to take them early.
On the one hand, he pointed out, thanks to the spread of automatic enrollment in 401(k)s, young workers (or at least those who have regular jobs with benefits) are getting an early start on retirement savings.
FORBES: Are Young Workers On Track For Retirement--Or Smoking Something?
Incredibly, the wife can undo her early retirement by paying back, without interest, the Social Security benefits she has received and then wait until 70 to claim bigger retirement checks for herself.
If the age for collecting full Social Security benefits were raised to 68 from 65, and the early retirement age to 65 from 62, the savings to Social Security would be tremendous.
Of the more than 34, 000 workers who participated in GM s accelerated attrition program, most took early retirement, which means they will receive their full pension and retiree health care benefits.
The total benefit your spouse will receive is her retirement benefit, inclusive of any reduction, due to taking benefits early, or increment, due to taking benefits late, plus the excess spousal benefit.
It sure seems that way because when the spouse is collecting a retirement benefit, the excess spousal benefit (potentially reduced for taking spousal benefits early) comes into play.
This means that you should think twice about applying for retirement benefits in the same month as your spouse if one or both of you are applying early.