New Jersey is developing an early warning system to reduce the number of dropouts.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on No Child Left Behind Reform
The question is, how do we co-ordinate an asteroid early warning system at the global level?
Companies use it as an early warning system for hackers, stock manipulators, disgruntled employees and bad-mouthers.
They serve as an early warning system if something is wrong, so you can take quick action to fix it.
Over the same period, Germany alone funded the Indonesian early warning system to the tune of about 55m euros, he said.
Its early warning system was also bolstered following Cyclone Sidr in 2007 and Aila in 2009, which killed a total of 4, 300 people.
In 2007, India put into place an early warning system that officials say is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and connected with international networks.
Secondly, this crisis will not be serious if everyone is cooperating strongly, like with an early warning system, transparency that is now established.
The drought cycle has shrunk from once every eight years to once every three years, according to the American government's Famine Early Warning System.
C. and San Diego, school nurses use Voxiva to report absenteeism and illnesses to their local health departments as an early warning system for disease outbreaks.
The clinics will operate as part of a "Plantwise knowledge bank", which is set to begin in June and act as a bio-security early warning system.
Realizing this, Director General Irina Bokova assigned emergency funds to the Tsunami Early Warning System for the Caribbean earlier this year, keeping us on track for our work.
UNESCO: Let's be prepared for tsunami threat in Caribbean, Gulf
At the summit, world leaders pledged to set up an Indian Ocean early warning system and signed a declaration urging the UN to mobilise the international community for the relief effort.
Professor Lipkin is one of the leading advocates of a global early warning system for contagious disease to reduce the risk of the sort of pandemic seen in Contagion.
Hirai went on to talk vaguely about increased security measures aimed at preventing future hacks, including upgraded encryption, more firewall protections, and an early warning system to detect attacks.
Today, the Mediterranean is being monitored by several national tsunami warning centres: this represents a major step towards the establishment of the tsunami early warning system in the region.
The absence of the Caribbean early warning system does not mean the region is unprotected, as it is covered on an interim bases by the Hawaii-based Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.
The Tsunami Early Warning System for the North-eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and connected seas is one of four regional Early Warning and Mitigation Systems which are coordinated by UNESCO-IOC globally.
The Tsunami Early Warning System for the North-eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and connected seas is one of four regional Early Warning and Mitigation Systems which are coordinated by the IOC globally.
The regulator plans to roll out the early warning system this year, saying it will mine a "rich vein of information" continuously supplied by companies through official filings such as annual reports.
"It's important to have an early warning system an early warning capacity and therefore the ability to intervene to prevent the occurrence of conflict rather than to arrive when they have occurred, " Mr Mbeki said.
The national system for Indonesia, the Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (InaTEWS) issued the first warning to national authorities within five minutes of the sub-sea earthquake, which allowed many communities to take the necessary precautions.
Since the Arctic as a whole is responding to climate change earlier and more acutely than the rest of the planet, we should think of it as an early warning system -- a proverbial canary in a coalmine.
The NAO report also casts doubt on the MoD's claim that the new carrier-based strike force will be fully operational by 2020, saying a decision to delay investment in Crowsnest, a helicopter-based early warning system, means it will be two years late.
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According to Kate Cummings, an Ushahidi consultant in Monrovia, Liberia, Humanity United is funding an effort to set up an early warning system in advance of the late-2011 Liberian elections, that would spread the word about potential political violence before it erupts.
Important Research Institutes of the Euro-Mediterranean region will participate to the meeting together with UNESCO-IOC which, in response to the tragic Indian Ocean tsunami on 26 December 2004, was mandated of coordinating the establishment of the Mediterranean Tsunami Early Warning System.
Since the mid 1960s, UNESCO has had the responsibility of coordinating the Tsunami Early Warning System in the Pacific and following the devastating Sumatra earthquake in 2004, which resulted in widespread death and destruction across the region, UNESCO has been responsible for the Indian Ocean system as well.
UNESCO: Let's be prepared for tsunami threat in Caribbean, Gulf
The American Health Institute, the association that represents large agriculture and pharmaceutical industries, supports the NARMS monitoring program as "it provides an important early warning system on the potential for the emergence of antibiotic resistance bacteria, " said Ron Phillips, vice president for legislative and public affairs, in an e-mail.
In the aftermath of 2010 floods, UNESCO has initiated a major project "Strategic Strengthening of Flood Warning and Management Capacity of Pakistan" for upgrading the flood forecasting and early warning system, and for the risk mapping of flood plains along the Indus River, in cooperation with the government of Japan.
The American Health Institute, the association that represents large agriculture and pharmaceutical industries, says it supports the NARMS monitoring program as "it provides an important early warning system on the potential for the emergence of antibiotic resistance bacteria, " said Ron Phillips, vice president for legislative and public affairs, in an e-mail.