There is no way I can earn a living when I get out, he says.
Millions of Americans earn a living right now because of the trade between our nations.
Because they did not have the qualifications to earn a living to take care of themselves.
There are other ways to earn a living, we learn that in our countries.
Every day, like the rest of us, they go out and try to earn a living.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Comprehensive Immigration Reform | The White House
And this will make it even more challenging for lawyers to earn a living.
Most eunuchs earn a living by collecting cash gifts from people during marriages and child births.
To earn a living (if you can call it that), I got a newspaper job.
With what I have learned, I can earn a living as a sign painter.
This will help them earn a living and also pay for new batteries for the iShacks.
It's confidence-boosting to know you can do something well, not to mention earn a living at it.
In September Craigmiles claimed in a federal suit that his right to earn a living was violated.
You have the right to earn a living, no matter what a piece of paper might say.
Students not only earn a living and learn a trade, but they also build a job history.
CNN: CNN Heroes: Serving up second chances to the disenfranchised
MST's members achieve their dream, they, like other family farmers, have to struggle to earn a living.
It will help to generate new ways for younger people in our village to earn a living.
The undocumenteds I have known came to this country for one reason: an opportunity to earn a living.
You were responsible for developing the knowledge, skills, and traits of character you needed to earn a living.
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But until his pension kicks-in in four years' time, he has to keep trying to earn a living.
"When people can earn a living again ... then you have a basis for moving forward, " he said.
We have no idea in what parts of the American economy these 12 million will earn a living.
FORBES: Romney's 12 Million New Jobs In 4 Years? Not By Great Recession Arithmetic
Few so-called literary novelists earn a living writing these days they teach or apply for grants or do freelance journalism.
For our journey is not complete until our wives, our mothers and daughters can earn a living equal to their efforts.
Victory at the Arnold meant much more than bragging rights: it was a rare chance to earn a living at this sport.
Who could object to making sure that everyone can earn a living?
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Playing international and club cricket was not enough to earn a living.
Players would argue that their most vital interest is their employment, which is their ability to earn a living in their profession.
Most of the labor force is made up of recently released convicts looking for a trade and a chance to earn a living.
And often this argument is framed in moral terms: Why should we punish people who are just trying to earn a living?
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Many people have little choice but to earn a living by logging or mining, sometimes within the forests that are protected by law.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Seeing the carbon for the trees