We listened earnestly, all of us, hoping to understand and to transcend the need to understand.
The doctors were explaining things, earnestly and patiently, but Titania was having trouble following along.
Mr Netanyahu is earnestly assuring potential rightist renegades that Wye is as good as dead.
He says this earnestly, as if he's describing a guilty pleasure he wishes he could enjoy more.
"What I really wanted was something that, if it worked, it would change the world, " he says earnestly.
Hobhouse, has stated more earnestly the ideal of a society in which individuals find fulfillment in a common good.
In my training group, "Nothing new on race day" is our mantra, and it's one to which I've adhered earnestly.
Both the BJP and Congress are now campaigning earnestly in advance of the next two rounds of voting in May.
So Mr Abbas is earnestly pondering the prospect of conciliating Hamas and reuniting the two halves of his severed realm.
ECONOMIST: Palestinian unity: Rivals who may need each other | The
The public earnestly puzzled over his theories, elevated him into a cult of genius, and canonized him as a secular saint.
They are the bit players so earnestly inept that it is hard to separate what was diabolical from what was merely dumb.
"The Notorious Bettie Page" verges on David Lynch territory, but explored earnestly, with a misplaced belief in the dramatic value of broad-stroke sketches.
The second period wasn't much better, although both Boston and Toronto starting to scrap earnestly for the puck at both ends of the ice.
It would be easy for him to be bitter about his lack of opportunity but instead Bellion speaks earnestly about what he learnt through adversity.
It sounds woolly, but is used earnestly by all three candidates.
"If you didn't care you wouldn't be here, " he said earnestly.
Bachman earnestly defends her argument, but her case ultimately fails to consider the drastic financial implications that such a stunt would have on the two conferences.
FORBES: Leaving The BCS Would Be Suicide For The Big Ten And Pac-12
The vast majority of infertility patients are no doubt fierce advocates for the well-being of the child they so earnestly seek to bring into their lives.
"Twenty-five years ago, my friends and I started with nothing but an idea--that we could harness the power of the PC to improve people's lives, " Gates says earnestly.
On two occasions -- in the 1980s, and again at the beginning of this century -- Sioux City earnestly and formally petitioned the Federal Aviation Administration to change the letters.
Now, we can earnestly seek to see these values lived out in our politics and our policies, and we can earnestly disagree on the best way to achieve these values.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at the National Prayer Breakfast
Here he's earnestly ordinary as mild-mannered Walter Sparrow, a pet detective (well, OK, an "animal control officer") who becomes obsessed with a pseudonymous self-published novel, "The Number 23, " by Topsy Kretts.
Instead, they talk earnestly about building their companies, and about the problems of managing growth in a place where every new idea, engineer or building seems to start a bidding battle.
"I urgently and earnestly call on the Congress today to reassess the erosion that has taken place in our diplomatic readiness and to support, on a bipartisan basis, the president's international affairs budget, " he continued.
Since then he has been a prophet with marginal honor in his own land, lecturing earnestly about the shame he feels at being part of the first generation that will not pay its own way.
The urbane activity with which a man receives money is really marvellous, considering that we so earnestly believe money to be the root of all earthly ills, and that on no account can a monied man enter heaven.
"In recent months, I felt that my strength had decreased, and I asked God earnestly in prayer to enlighten me with his light to make me take the right decision not for my sake, but for the good of the Church, " he said.