In its natural state, the white, viscous liquid slides down your gullet with an earthy tang.
You can also order them online from sources such as Earthy Delights ( ).
The herbal remedies are made from its roots and can have an unpleasant, earthy smell.
Garlic, paprika, cumin and lots of cilantro are always included in the earthy mix.
Other elements of a rustic look include reclaimed lumber, exposed steel and earthy colors.
The stunning space was designed by Alexandra Champalimaud and exudes an earthy, Asian feel.
The earthy, musky perfume of this subterranean delicacy has long been rumored to possess aphrodisiacal powers.
WSJ: Eric Ripert's Truffle and Fall Vegetable Tagliatelle | Slow Food Fast
These earthy tones rank as seventh on the list of most popular car colors this year.
First Impressions: If Subarus are earthy, than the Outback is ideal for an earth mama.
Sweet and tender, with a singular musky, earthy flavor, they are at their very best right now.
Bright and healthful, it is a simple matchup that brings sunshine to the season's otherwise earthy diet.
WSJ: Michael Schwartz's Striped Bass with Grapefruit and Pickled Radish
Gullotti, a compact, earthy Bostonian, arrived in 1994 after having run Digital Equipment's 40, 000-strong computer services division.
The taste is sweeter than I expected, balanced by earthy grains, with notes of chocolate and nuts.
The loaves are complex and yeasty, full of earthy flavours, a touch of tang and a distinct underpinning of char.
The palace, spotlit by the evening sun, is painted in earthy tones: deep pinks, stone greys, cinnamon browns.
The earthy restaurant, about a 10-minute drive from downtown, has long established itself as a premier vegetarian restaurant in the city.
Inside, rooms are individually decorated with rich designer fabrics and are coordinated in cooling creams and earthy hues.
Kelp stock also enhances the earthy sweetness of my creamy turnip soup garnished with zesty mustard and shaved fennel.
The first edition, published in 1947, omitted some of the more earthy observations of Anne's two years in hiding.
The atmosphere is old-fashioned but with an earthy feel, not something manufactured to appeal to a fancy London crowd.
The whole thing is shaken awake for a while by the earthy Emily Blunt, before drifting back to sleep.
His straightforward and earthy style is clearly something the downtrodden masses identify with.
Morels are a chef's mushroom, opulent and earthy tasting, delectable in cream.
Ditto Crianza Rioja from Spain, made from the Tempranillo grape, and Nerello Mascalese, an earthy red grape native to Sicily.
WSJ: Lettie Teague Says Goodbye to Pinot Noir��for a While | On Wine
He is a gutsy, earthy, wilful leader whose style is to listen before making up his mind and then dominate.
Earthy yellows and blues complement the canopy beds with pure white bedding and carved chestnut brown furnishings commissioned from local artists.
In the kitchen, the emphasis is on earthy, top-quality ingredients: freshly baked bread, homemade sausages, house-pickled vegetables, offal and suckling pig.
New York mixologist Dale DeGroff says U.S. drinkers of ten years ago did not savor the vegetal, earthy flavor of premium tequila.
Microsoft's lawyer, John Warden, is an earthy figure with a bit a southern twang who peppers his folksy zingers with Latinate legalese.
Beet cocktails offer vibrant autumn colors, earthy-sweet flavors and a viscous mouthfeel.