For example, when the Bank of England began to tighten slightly its oversight of Moscow Narodny Bank in London after 1986, the USSR simply moved at least a portion of its more risque banking activities to Eurobank in Paris and East-West United Bank in Luxembourg where regulatory officials were more laissez-faire.
For example, when the Bank of England began to tighten slightly its oversight of Moscow Narodny Bank in London after 1986, the USSR simply moved at least a portion of its more risque banking activities to Eurobank in Paris and East-West United Bank in Luxembourg -- where regulatory officials were more laissez-faire.
Last November, following Israel's decision to push forward with plans to build a settlement in the so-called 'E-1' area -- east of Jerusalem in the Israeli-occupied West Bank -- and build an addition 3, 000 housing units in occupied territory, Jeffery Goldberg wrote in Bloomberg of Obama's exasperation.
And it sort of got lost this week, and nobody has asked about it, but the United States dropped its demand that Israel freeze its settlements in the Middle East -- on the West Bank.
The highly contentious issue of Israeli construction in the West Bank and East Jerusalem -- land the Palestinians seek for a future state -- is one of the main sticking points preventing the resumption of negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians.
If we add to the mix Syrian subversion and sponsorship of Hamas, and al-Qaida penetration of Jordan through Iraq - particularly in the event of a US withdrawal - the danger that merging the west and east bank populations would manifest to the Hashemite regime becomes apparent.
Israelis and Arabs approve and deplore the decision for the same reason: the new town, to be called Har Homa, would complete the ring of Jewish-only estates that divide Arab East Jerusalem from its West Bank hinterland, making it extremely hard to see how East Jerusalem could ever be the capital of a Palestinian state.
But Mr Fayyad suggests bypassing the formal peace process, now anyway at a standstill, partly because Israel refuses to stop building or expanding Jewish settlements in the West Bank and on the Arab-populated east side of Jerusalem.
For example, the Administration strongly opposed last month at the Human Rights Council the creation of a fact-finding mission regarding settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Today, more than a quarter-million Israelis live in the West Bank, not including East Jerusalem.
Topics would include financial instruments in East-West trade offered by the banking sector (such as bonds), bank-to-bank cooperation, and even ruble convertibility.
Obama's turn as tourist capped a four-day visit to the Middle East that included stops in Israel and the West Bank, as well Jordan.
RAMALLAH, West Bank (CNN) -- The future of the Middle East entered a new era of uncertainty Thursday, as the militant Palestinian opposition group Hamas snatched power from the ruling old guard and made skeptics of many key players in the peace process.
Severed from its West Bank feeder towns, Ramallah and Bethlehem, Arab East Jerusalem at night feels like a ghost-town sunk in neglect.