Their new home includes a computer-controlled feeding system, allowing the elephants to eat food over a 24-hour period.
Making sure that we only eat food produced locally, none of this buying stuff on the international markets.
Buyers were happy to have raw commodities grown in Africa but not ready-to-eat food processed in plants there.
" It's advice reminiscent of Michael Pollan's maxim, which I've found to be the simplest and most straightforward: "Eat food.
He says that everything he knows about food could be summed up in a sentence: Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.
And sometimes it may not feel that way because somebody is lecturing you trying to eat food that you don't want to eat.
Broader reform is needed, advocates have long insisted, as more Americans eat food that is imported, prepared in restaurants and produced at huge plants.
Wang's theory could mean nothing more than that drugs hijack the same brain circuits that evolved over millions of years to motivate people to find and eat food.
With diminished ways to make a living, many were -- and still are -- forced to eat food and drink water from the polluted areas where they live.
The health of our nation's 10 million food service workers is intimately tied to the health of millions of Americans who routinely eat food prepared by someone else.
And if Asdev Sadah can work in the fields and loyally guard the house of his higher-caste employee, then why people should refuse to eat food cooked by them?
As the markets began to recover, the fast rebound in commodities was just what Haugerud's inverse-stagflation theory told her should happen: Attacks or no, people continued to eat food and wear gold.
Mr. WRANGHAM: Well, I mean, the odd thing is that for years, we've assumed that because humans are animals, and animals are designed to eat raw food, humans are designed to eat raw food, too.
There are some people who like to eat reasonable food three times daily, while others would prefer to save their money and eat mediocre food most of the time but occasionally have an amazing meal.
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He is the reason I try to make sure he has his medicine, clothing to wear, food to eat since he is unable to eat all the food I may like because of a terrible problem with his acid reflux.
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" As for raw food: "A coyote in the wild might eat raw food, but most coyotes don't look as good as my dog.
Every once in a while I get a powerful urge to eat greasy food.
She couldn't eat solid food and her weight slipped from 60 pounds to 45 pounds.
But the study also highlights an obvious problem for diners who eat the food handled by sick workers.
Medway Council said it wanted to restrict outlets near schools to remove the temptation to eat unhealthy food.
And that easy-to-eat comfort food is often just what many stressed-out travelers tightly confined in a coach cabin crave.
Trying to control short-term inflation with interest rates alone is like trying to eat Chinese food with only one chopstick.
He had no idea how to upgrade the wiring, and in the following days he began to eat his food cold.
Also, 84 percent of parents say they've taken their children to eat fast food at least once in the past week.
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Some people see this, and the accompanying campaigns to persuade people to eat healthy food, as a nannying intrusion into personal freedom.
We view the ability to eat any food at any time of year, irrespective of its natural season, almost as a birthright.
Regardless of rising prices, people who eat natural food are unlikely to change that behavior, as it is a lifestyle choice, according to Wolf.