'IF YOU EAT LUNCH, YOU ARE LUNCH, ' is one of the more memorable aphorisms of this age.
They want to eat lunch and leave, you know, and we're a little bit more laid back than that.
Our only break during the workday was to eat lunch with our child.
Current and prospective customers gather to hear from RightNow users and execs, compare notes, eat lunch and attend workshops on technical topics.
We exchanged bits of English and bits of Turkish, established that we both had a sense of humour, and decided to eat lunch together.
Eat lunch at Konoba Roki's ( rokis.hr), a rural retreat owned by a local winemaker, where specialties include smoked eel and octopus under peka.
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So why is it that 48% of Americans leave half their vacation days unused, and a third of workers eat lunch at their desks?
Other kids with sensory problems might struggle with motor planning, which has to do with the sequence of steps required to put clothes on or eat lunch.
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Mary Hill is working on what you all eat, and one of the things that's happened is that you guys eat lunch with your teachers now, right?
Today the average time taken to eat lunch - usually in front of the computer - is roughly 15 minutes, according to researchers at the University of Westminster.
BBC: Breakfast, lunch and dinner: Have we always eaten them?
The majority of Americans eat lunch (67%) and snack (61%) at their desks, according to a survey by the American Dietetic Association (ADA), and over one-third eat breakfast there.
At a corner table, neighborhood regular Lyon Seve(ph) and friends say they sometimes eat lunch at the Chinese restaurant across the street, but when they want a good French meal, they come here.
Their courage in goring so many of Hollywood's sacred cows is palpable given that community's notorious practice of ensuring that those who are shunned never "eat lunch" (read, work) in that town again.
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Did you eat lunch all by yourself again?
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At its sleek headquarters on the outskirts of Taipei, engineers serving different clients eat lunch together in the same cafeteria and gather after hours in the gym, but they rarely know the details of each others' work.
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Delegate Harry Keith White, who campaigned with Crum last year, said his friend was killed in the same place where he parked his car most days to eat lunch, near the site of a former pharmacy known for illegally distributing pills.
Because if we don't, the kids in China or Brazil or Bangalore could eat our lunch.
Absent that it really is the low price, low margin, guys who will come and eat your lunch.
When we're at dinner, we ask them, what did you eat for lunch?
The Duke of Bedford was probably the most accomplished of them: he charged people to watch him eat his lunch.
But it's the French custom of "souper" in the 17th Century that helped shaped what most of us eat for lunch today.
BBC: Breakfast, lunch and dinner: Have we always eaten them?
His youthful Silicon Valley rivals still hope they will eat his lunch.
Starbucks has been having a rough time in the marketplace in recent months, but it doesn't seem threatened by McDonald's plan to eat its lunch.
On the wall of Caleb's day care, the Peanut Gallery, is a list of the carbohydrate count of any of the foods he might eat for lunch.
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He was in a field 1km away from the action zone in an area where soldiers eat their lunch when he was shot and killed in May 2012.
Ranger Maguire, who was 6ft 7in tall, was standing in an administration area where soldiers eat their lunch and pack their gear when he was struck in the head.
If they stumble for a year or two Microsoft and Nokia, or maybe Google and Samsung, or some as yet unknown competitor, will come and eat their lunch.