To further trim raw material costs, which eat up 50% of revenue, he worked with engineers to decrease the standard half-liter bottle weight from 23 grams to 12 grams (nearest competitor Crystal Geyser has one weighing 14 grams).
Where Pi breaks ground is its reinterpretation of deep dish, with a lot of cornmeal added to the crust, less buttery than the Chicago version, and much more coherent, so that you can pick up a slice and eat it fairly neatly with your hands, rather than the fork and knife casserole version of the Windy City.
But if the poor copy the pattern of wealth creation that made Europe and America rich, they will eat up as many resources as the Americans do, with grim consequences for the planet.
For three months leading up to a bout, he will eat vegan, with no exceptions.
Today, selling, delivery and administrative costs eat up 43% of Hostess's sales, compared with 36% at rival Flowers Foods Inc.
WSJ: Twinkie Maker Hostess Brands, Unions Face Off Over New Batch of Cuts
She found rodent bones and a bell from another animal's collar. (Not that unusual, says Thomas Carroll, the crematory operator she'd used, who says dogs eat the darnedest things.) Dornan, outraged, hooked up with Remkus, and they petitioned lawmakers to take action.
Amy and I face the same situation with our son: His soccer practices and games eat up a lot of family time.
Greece will shortly complete an overhaul of its tax legislation and come up with proposals to reform state pensions, which now eat up over 11% of GDP.
Better fry up some synthetic fish sticks in my Teflon skillet and then eat them with my stainless steel fork.
The name came from their billet, often referred to as the Hash House, where they'd eat their monotonous corned-beef dinners, and the pastime they came up with was a wilder version of a British paper chase.
Blessed with an iron-clad stomach, I could eat my way up and down the avenue all day.
However, why mess with good genes by screwing up what you do and what you eat?
His big bet: Convincing advertisers they'll get bang for their buck by keeping users engaged with games and other interactive fun, which sports freaks tend to eat up.
Last month, Mr Toseland's family said he could now sit up and eat through a straw and doctors at the Queen Alexandra Hospital were pleased with his progress.
For the most part, this is the kind of place where you want to ski hard, cozy up in front of a fire with your honey and your kids, eat spaghetti, watch the movies you never had time to see at home or play Scrabble.
For low earners, costs may eat up too high a proportion of their rebate to make even a stakeholder pension worth bothering with.
You know, a lot of kids who grew up with allergies to peanuts, walnuts and pecans are learning they can now eat those foods.
Former Dallas Mavericks forward Terence Newman, now with the Washington Wizards, let salaries for his best friend and other employees eat up nearly half the take.
FORBES: Charitable Largess--Or Not--Among Sports Luminaries Of Dallas