Even if you think no one is going to find out, you know, and it will eat you up inside.
And in my household -- is if you say you're not hungry, then you have to eat your vegetables, and then you get up and leave, and you don't ask for anything else, and go to bed, right?
Eating farmed salmon occasionally is not a great health concern, but risks can add up if you eat salmon often.
These hyper-complex simulations you're talking about eat up server space on a scale exponentially beyond what we're using now.
"I could eat whatever I wanted and wake up - you know everything, " she said.
"When you drink, eat, " Javier followed up, completing the crash-course in Spanish womanhood.
You could see your premiums shoot up and you face a painful choice: Do you eat the costs and ask your workers to contribute more?
You can eat these charges yourself or set it up so that the charges get added on to each ticket.
Where Pi breaks ground is its reinterpretation of deep dish, with a lot of cornmeal added to the crust, less buttery than the Chicago version, and much more coherent, so that you can pick up a slice and eat it fairly neatly with your hands, rather than the fork and knife casserole version of the Windy City.
If you like to eat in the company of the glitterati and you've got the bank balance to back you up, take your meat-loving self to Prime One Twelve (112 Ocean Drive).
However, why mess with good genes by screwing up what you do and what you eat?
And the Orlando Magic, already offering the seventh-lowest ticket prices in the league, are trying to appeal to fans appetites (and wallets) by serving up an all-you-can-eat meal plan for ticket holders.
" and "Do you cut up fruit and vegetables for your child to eat?
You could invest them to produce an income or you could just eat into the capital every year to help make up any difference between income and expenditure.
When someone offers all-you-can-eat to any customers, those that show up should be ones for whom the amount that they can eat is worth more than the price they expect to pay.
Nor can they have their whole cake and eat it too: If you trade equity for cash, you will give up control.
If successful, bond yields will rise and all you need is 2% bond yields for interest costs to eat up 80% of Japanese government revenues.
Many insurance companies won't pay for a diabetic to see a nutritionist to learn how to eat properly or a podiatrist to get their feet checked, but if you wind up having to have your foot amputated from complications due to diabetes, the insurance company will pay for that.
This practice, along with so-called "all-you-can-eat" Net access plans, allows surfers to stay online without worrying about running up huge bills.
First of all, if you burn that many calories asking a question -- (laughter) -- you know, I mean, she's fired up. (Applause.) So you'll be able to eat whatever you want.
For the most part, this is the kind of place where you want to ski hard, cozy up in front of a fire with your honey and your kids, eat spaghetti, watch the movies you never had time to see at home or play Scrabble.