The curing process is similar today, but high prices demand a more sophisticated eater.
The same holds for another meat-eater in a region of vegetarians: the Public Broadcasting Service.
This works for me because no one in my house is a particularly picky eater.
Eater NY first reported the closing, and Gothamist confirmed it with co-owner John DiMiceli.
He said it was "very rare" that a plant-eater would sport sharp-edged, enlarged canines.
It's inexpensive, thus easily mass-marketed, and is controlled by the food eater, not the food preparer.
It's fair to say that Dr. Leendert Wesdorp takes more interest in ketchup than the average burger-eater.
Renowned competitive eater Joey Chestnut was there shoveling it down, but "Humble" Bob Shoudt won the event.
For an eater suffering from a guilty conscience, a spoonful of vitamins makes the fattening food go down.
Eater also reports that the family hopes to reopen with their entire veteran staff at a new midtown location.
Chase said she said no evidence that Michael Jackson was a poor eater.
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After all, the most famous organ-eater of all time is the character Leopold Bloom in James Joyce's novel Ulysses.
Similarly, Eater has been compiling a list of restaurants open for business.
The original quartet reprise their roles as the thoughtful one, the smart one, the dreamy one and the man-eater.
It would have been a meat-eater, walking on two legs about the size of a large cow, with a tail.
Nonetheless, these kinds of lists are always interesting, always engage me as a reader and eater, and always provoke passionate discussion.
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While I did not play lacrosse, I did grow up a Caddyshack-quoting, Ralph Lauren-wearing cake-eater from a shiny northern Chicago suburb.
I'd been diagnosed with low iron before, but the first surprised me, as I have always been a big leafy-green vegetable eater.
Hirshberg said she started to love vegetables after growing her own, and she believes that there is a veggie eater in everyone.
The femur belongs to Futalognkosaurus, an enormous leaf-eater discovered at this spot.
It uses data from Zagat (owned by Google) plus a variety of third party sources (Cool Hunting, Scoutmob, Thrillist, Food Network, Eater).
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But, rather like a crash diet for a compulsive eater, it does not solve the underlying problem and it could have unwelcome side-effects.
She advised me, as a frequent exerciser and fairly healthy eater, to continue those activities before she said what I'd feared the most.
Lemann recommends that the first-time bug eater try house crickets, as they have a good, nutty taste even when eaten roasted and plain.
Steen's "Oyster Eater" of around the same time is clearly trying to seduce the viewer, as she steals, salts and offers the aphrodisiac bivalve.
In the late Jurassic period, this fleet-footed plant eater, known as Dryosaurus altus, needed those powerful hindquarters to scurry away from its many predators.
Researchers from the University of Chicago have found that the average American meat-eater generates nearly 1.5 tonnes more carbon dioxide per person per year.
Andrews himself identified dozens of fossils of new dinosaur and other species, including the Velociraptor, the terrifying meat-eater made famous by the film Jurassic Park.
Not a huge meat eater, my relationship with carbs became dysfunctional.
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