In one near-Borgesian instance, a hungry woman eats a map and is then consumed by wanderlust.
Debt service on past loans eats up half of the government budget, despite the 1998 default.
It's about the journey to work, the food the family eats, the state of the neighbourhood.
Nooyi, who says she rarely exercises, eats three small bags of Lay's potato chips a day.
The keyboard eats up space that could be devoted to a bigger screen, of course.
As Jori eats, his upper stomach fills up, trickling food to the rest of his stomach.
Binet has his cake and eats it, and gets to cry over the spilt crumbs, too.
At night, the squad eats together then starts the serious business of training and match practice.
"A gas turbine eats up its insides after five or six years, " Immelt explains.
If he's home, Mr Keino eats breakfast with the athletes who are staying at his centre.
Like all the Gilan growers, the family eats rice at least twice a day.
Sadder than destitution, sadder than a beggar is the man who eats alone in public.
And who knew that Hideki Matsui eats fried pork before games for good luck?
However, nature provides a microbe named Methylibium petroleiphilum strain PM-1, that eats MTBE.
Murdock eats only fruits, vegetables and fish, exercises regularly and shuns saturated fats and sugar.
To keep trim he eats one main meal a day, at about 8 p.m.
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He is a vegetarian who eats only home-cooked food, avoiding processed items like biscuits and chocolates.
That's a habit that forces companies to keep prices relatively low, which eats into profits.
The more good worms and less bad ones your fish eats, the more points you get.
Now, I am not among the kumbaya types who believe that culture eats strategy for lunch.
BlackBerry phones will progressively lose market share as competition eats into their business and consumer segments.
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Child care eats a terrifying proportion of the family budget, and many childminders are untrained.
He eats gratefully, messily, his hands touching the invisible, marvellous food in the darkness.
Of course, what one eats depends on where one sits on the fashion food chain.
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Further aggravating the issue is disk space that Windows eats up behind the scenes.
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Or is she the you who works out, eats adventurously and frequents art gallery openings?
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Though Icahn is so tough he eats nails for breakfast, I offer my meager input nonetheless.
Unless Mr Kohl eats his words, a third option may thus come into view: postponement.
He has been successfully with sedatives, but the man's symptoms recur if he eats chocolate.
Others eat fish, in addition to the cohort that eats no meat but consumes dairy and eggs.