He enjoyed its eccentricity and air of English amateurism, and he served bravely in Libya and Sicily.
In keeping with his consistent brand of eccentricity, many said it added to his profile and his reputation.
Eccentricity is supposed to be a symptom of genius, and the pioneers of quantum mechanics had their share.
Fognini's eccentricity was summed up in the second game of the second set.
Authenticity cannot be faked, they say, and a little eccentricity won't hurt either.
They can entertain with eccentricity or anecdotes, vex with their stubbornness, seduce with hospitality and amaze with feats of strength.
Justine Jordan, the Guardian's deputy literary editor, said this year's Booker prize judges should be applauded for favouring eccentricity.
Though Jackson's image eventually became sullied by the molestation allegations and stories of eccentricity, there was never any doubt about his entertainment legacy.
Mass media conditioning has made nonconformity or eccentricity more glaring and thus less likely to flourish or take root in the first place.
He loved the editorial work, loved conducting interviews with everyone from Fidel Castro to George Wallace, loved the variety and eccentricity of American politics.
When I was in high school, at Horace Mann, in the Bronx, in the nineteen-seventies, everyone took pride in the brilliant eccentricity of our teachers.
It had exactly the right combination of elements to appeal to my interests: eccentricity, high idealism and a clear determination to bring about positive change.
His ideas and eccentricity were also a big draw, analysts say.
Perhaps the absence of a strong stylistic tradition, married with a national weakness for eccentricity, allows British designers a freedom that their continental counterparts lack.
In some cases, eccentricity spilled over into mental instability: Paul Ehrenfest's desire to keep up with developments in quantum mechanics eventually drove him to suicide.
Whether the hat he pulled low over his face protects his eyes from stage lights or merely adds to his aura of mystery and eccentricity is anybody's guess.
What I came up with, after a morning spent eating, shopping and people-watching with my family in Venice and Santa Monica, where we were staying, was focused eccentricity.
Rolland's influence is denounced as pernicious by self-styled champions of wine's eccentricity, who think Rolland and Parker are engaged in what amounts to a campaign to homogenize flavor.
The issue seemed to be their eccentricity and general over-the-topness.
The Anglican ethos rests on an unspoken consensus, a tacit understanding that all manner of crankiness and eccentricity can be tolerated as long as the family somehow stays intact.
But at least, in this one instance, the dancing men were spared not only inane attempts at eccentricity but moves that betrayed an ignorance of ballet's inherent finesse and expressivity.
WSJ: Kings of the Dance, Opus 3 | Royalty Made Common | By Robert Greskovic
Gonjasufi may sound at first like a rambling hip-hop crackpot, but there's more to the California rapper and singer than mere eccentricity: What appears messy and thrown together is anything but.
Emma's aid-worker friends, who smiled away her defiance and flamboyant clothes in the name of English eccentricity, were becoming increasingly concerned that she had crossed the line between idealism and partisanship.
ECONOMIST: Africa is a continent made for��and of��storytellers
But elsewhere the dominating trend is eccentricity and innovation.
His occasional public appearances yield moments of worrying eccentricity.
We are in an odd way a very snobbish nation but as Alan Bennett once said, snobbery is an amiable vice when it looks upwards, it's only when it looks downward it's horrible, if you look down on people because, if you admire in some way some style of eccentricity in other people there's nothing that wrong with it.