With the current situation of ecology and environment in the Yangtze river, man assistant measures have to be taken.
BBC: Earth News - Giant fish 'verges on extinction'
Ecology and Environment Inc. was hired in 2011 to do an economic analysis of how shale gas development would affect the state.
WSJ: NY groups claim industry bias in fracking study
"I don't know if Ecology and Environment's report on the economic impact of fracking is biased or not, and that is the problem, " said Sen.
WSJ: NY groups claim industry bias in fracking study
Australia is funding a dean-level chair of ecology and environment.
BBC: India's ancient university returns to life
This week, Ecology and Environment was listed as a member of the Independent Oil and Gas Association of New York in a letter sent to Gov. Andrew Cuomo urging him to lift the ban.
WSJ: NY groups claim industry bias in fracking study
"The roster that followed the letter identified the magnitude and diversity of our membership and did not purport to reflect each member's individual point-of-view, " Gill said in a statement released Wednesday in response to questions raised about the impartiality of Ecology and Environment.
WSJ: NY groups claim industry bias in fracking study
"Regardless of this firm's expertise on purely technical matters unrelated to policy formation, Ecology and Environment's participation in a trade association and lobbying effort in support of authorizing high-volume hydraulic fracturing in New York fundamentally disqualifies the firm and its work" for the DEC environmental impact study, Russ Haven of the New York Public Interest Research Group said in a statement released Wednesday.
WSJ: NY groups claim industry bias in fracking study
Traditionally, the region has focussed on nature, ecology and the environment rather than the social and economic dimensions of SD and this will need to be addressed through ESD as well.
UNESCO: Education
It involves the Met Office, the Environment Agency and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH).
BBC: Predicting the next big flood
The government regulations also call on travelers to follow public orders, protect ecology, public infrastructure and utilities, maintain a clean environment, respect the rights of others and show them courtesy, Xinhua reported.
CNN: China instructs its citizens on how to behave abroad