In 1995 Mr Weld urged his fellow governors to support Mr Clinton's economic aid to Mexico.
In Pakistan Saturday President Asif Ali Zardari also welcomed Obama's plan to pump economic aid into Pakistan.
Alienating the Americans would be unwise, as it might stop the flow of badly needed economic aid.
Additional economic aid could limit pain for vulnerable sectors of the economy, those most prone to radicalization.
Moreover, the government hopes that its magnanimity will help it to win economic aid from rich countries.
Assad clearly wants an economic assistance package from the U.S., but he can get economic aid without U.S. troops.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A US force for the Golan Heights? A roundtable discussion
However, Prof Zhu predicts that China will not let Mr Choe leave empty-handed and is likely to provide economic aid.
Nationalist sentiment has sometimes flared, but the prospect of losing economic aid from Paris has tempered public support for independence.
The economic aid to Iraq started in 1983, and by the end of the war amounted to more than a billion dollars.
One in two members of the public opposes any kind of economic aid to other countries, compared with only 10% of leaders.
He knows Israel can now begin to wean itself from U.S. economic aid, especially if it is serious about liberalizing the economy.
Hitherto, western policy has aimed, sensibly enough, at calming the political atmosphere through modest economic aid and quiet security help for Montenegro.
Indeed the attempt to place Hungary's central bank under parliamentary control is what has caused the EU to threaten to withdraw economic aid.
There are reports that the United States is currently withholding disbursements of economic aid to Honduras to press for Honduran cessation of support for the Resistance.
Mr Bush recently waived restrictions on military aid to 21 countries, and curbs on economic aid to a further 14, despite their refusal to sign bilateral immunity deals.
Mubarak and his coterie of generals, the men who are actually still running Egypt, benefited from tens of billions of dollars worth of US military and economic aid over the course of several decades.
FORBES: Alexander Golts' Shocking Ignorance about Hosni Mubarak
In Malaysia, the government's economic advisory body, the National Economic Aid Council, said Calpers was a relatively new investor in the region, and might not have complete insight into the value of emerging markets in East Asia.
No amount of economic aid, no Marshall Plan, would have prevented events from taking their course, for the money would either have been spent to delay reforms or ended up in the pockets of highly placed thieves.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Post-Mortem on the Russian Elections: What 'Centrists'?
Obama's "open hand" promise in his inaugural address isn't having much success around the world, and North Korea can always use new infusions of economic aid, which may well be the hidden cargo of the Clinton mission.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Clinton's unwise trip to North Korea
Although still holding out for more economic aid and more assurances that Iraq's Kurds will not be allowed to split away from it, and so intensify Turkey's problem with its own Kurdish minority, the government recently agreed to allow American military technicians to start surveying some of Turkey's military bases and ports for their possible use in a war.
ECONOMIST: Time for Iraq to disarm peacefully is fast running out
Those are the targets contained in its draft plan to aid economic recovery in its area over the next five years.
Experience demonstrates ad nauseam that stable currencies enormously aid economic development and that currency instability is an insidious enemy of economic progress.
The opposition parties say it could safely afford 2% or so, to help sustain the economic recovery and aid those yet to feel the benefits.
Remittances had been seen as more resilient in an economic downturn than aid and investment flows, perhaps because the senders of cash have personal ties with the recipients.
As academic evidence mounts that graft deters investment and economic growth, aid agencies tie their largesse more directly to clean government, and citizens from Argentina to Indonesia demand less venal politicians, no country can afford to ignore its reputation for corruption.
The key to expanded U.S. interest in Africa, Clinton intimated, is the dissemination of more information about the continent throughout the United States, in concert with a series of government-initiated programs to extend economic and social aid to the countries that need it most.
In light of these considerations, the Center believes that President Cristiani requires the use of U.S. economic and military aid to increase civilian authority over the military and to strengthen the majority of the Salvadoran military leadership who reject the violent methods of an extremist faction.
Economic progress depends on sustained bilateral and multilateral aid, on responsible government economic management, and on continued technical assistance from multilateral and bilateral donors.