But if oil starts to flow, Argentina might seek regional support for an economic blockade.
ECONOMIST: Another diplomatic victory for President Fern��ndez
In Bangladesh's capital, Dhaka, thousands of protesters are clashing with police and threatening to impose an indefinite economic blockade.
NPR: Upheaval Marks Another Election in Bangladesh
Supporters of his rival, Didier Ratsiraka, the ex-president who claims to be president still, tightened their economic blockade of the capital, Antananarivo.
ECONOMIST: Middle East turmoil
In return, Azerbaijan would restore telephone and other links with Armenia, thus lifting what the Armenians call the 'economic blockade' of their country.
BBC: Karabakh: Are Things Moving?
Jeremy Browne, the Foreign Office minister responsible for Falklands policy, doubts that, say, Brazil or Uruguay has much interest in a regional economic blockade of the islands.
ECONOMIST: Thirty years after the Falklands war
"Our borders with Iran and Kuwait were blocked and there was an international economic blockade, so I remember it was very expensive to buy anything fancy, " she said.
CNN: New wealth brings luxury shopping to Iraq
It wanted to use the summit proposed by the Palestinians to persuade the Arabs to freeze any ties they had with Israel and to restore an economic blockade.
Iraq suggested an economic blockade would not work in practice.
BBC: Syria unrest: Arab League adopts sanctions in Cairo
The terms will probably include an end to Hamas's rocket fire and tighter monitoring of the tunnels between Gaza and Egypt, in return for Israel's lifting of its economic blockade (see article).
ECONOMIST: The Gaza war