Intractably bad socio-economic circumstances can and will lead good people to do bad things.
Many open-enrollment courses are now designed specifically to respond to current economic circumstances and evolving business models.
"The notion in accounting is that similar economic circumstances should be treated the same way, " Carmichael says.
Despite their economic circumstances, dissatisfaction with the Bush administration was clearly evident in both Democratic and Republican voters.
Uncertainty now surrounds the overall project after the Irish government downgraded funding due to its tough economic circumstances.
Or is it an excessive mea culpa, particularly in light of the dire economic circumstances of the state?
Even text-based creeds, based on one-off divine revelation, can be quite flexible in reacting to new economic circumstances.
The bank is likely to change its predictions frequently as economic circumstances vary.
BBC: US Federal Reserve to publish interest rate projections
Netflix also ran into this problem for no other reason than economic circumstances.
Yes, unemployment and underemployment have affected large segments of our population, and veterans are part of these unfortunate economic circumstances.
"We came to the conclusion that the economic circumstances of poor people transcended the issue of color and race, " Jones says.
Nevertheless, the history, culture and political and economic circumstances of both Scotland and Wales make a move towards independence highly unlikely.
ECONOMIST: Devolution: The choice for Scotland and Wales | The
These are young people who, under normal economic circumstances, would move out, head households, and kick up the housing starts even further.
Mr Macintosh opened in consensual fashion by consoling Mr Swinney for the difficult economic circumstances visited upon him by the UK government.
Who would come up roses would depend on political and economic circumstances.
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Despite discouraging current economic circumstances, I am still confident that by fostering innovation and creativity the U.S. can emerge stronger and more competitive.
FORBES: Are We Missing the Opportunity to Ensure America's Economic Future?
Evidently, investors remain spooked by the high unemployment levels, although ManpowerGroup is managing to navigate fairly well through the challenging economic circumstances worldwide.
FORBES: ManpowerGroup: Surging Globally Despite Worries Over High Unemployment Problem
And that number of billionaires is vastly understated, for a huge number of our citizens prefer to be extremely modest about their economic circumstances.
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That is sensible, because to predict currency movements and economic circumstances, let alone politics, four or five years ahead is a game for fools.
But they were more positive about their personal economic circumstances, with 59 percent saying they were holding steady and 14 percent saying they were getting ahead.
Of course, these social phenomena are both symptoms of and contributors to economic circumstances, a vicious cycle that requires a structural solution at the policy level.
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Mr Stuart said he would continue with his policies, despite facing very difficult economic circumstances and "the worst crisis the world has seen in a century".
National Women's Health Week is also an opportunity for women of all ages, ethnicities, and economic circumstances to take simple, everyday steps to embrace healthier lifestyles.
American Express issued cards in the U.S. increased from 30.4 million to 31.3 million over the year as the company maintained growth even under uncertain economic circumstances.
FORBES: American Express Earnings Will Gain On Fatter Fees And Foreign Growth
The records of the Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies are uniquely significant in documenting the economic circumstances underlying the foundation of modern Scotland.
Announcing the consultation, Planning Minister Derek Mackay said he intended to reconvene the Sullivan panel next year, while recognising that Scotland was "currently in different economic circumstances".
BBC: Homes for Scotland urges delay on 'greener' building plans
The Deputy Prime Minister told Today presenter Justin Webb that, before the election, the Lib Dems had campaigned on a policy of cuts led by economic circumstances.
The idea that the Bush Administration would agree to extend additional credit to the Soviet Union is made still more preposterous by the USSR's present economic circumstances.
The Welsh government said it had already recognised the need to "enhance our trade and investment effort in these difficult economic circumstances and an increasingly competitive market place".
BBC: Wales needs to be united to win investment, says CBI Wales
Like many developing countries in tropical Africa, Latin America and Asia, Liberia possesses a vast wealth of biologically rich and globally important forests, despite its difficult economic circumstances.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Seeing the carbon for the trees