In the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, we are negotiating with further build-up of this economic condition.
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The FOMC statement gave an arguably upbeat assessment of the overall U.S. economic condition.
It is a economic condition that exists separate from the collective state of mind of the United States.
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Not quite what we want to happen in our current economic condition.
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We are still emerging from the worst recession since the Great Depression -- the worst economic condition that I believe anybody in this room has ever experienced.
Beginning in 2013, TLC staffers will be required to present a report every two years on the economic condition of drivers, including recommendations on whether fares should be adjusted.
In a Chicago Tribune survey of 45 chief executives of large, publicly held Illinois businesses, only two said they expected the state's economic condition to improve in the next year.
To counter the sluggish economic condition and to improve its profitability, Reed Elsevier is now concentrating on those revenue generating avenues that are subscription based and are recurring in nature.
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Other than the economic condition of the U.S., finance ministers at the G7 meeting will discuss capital markets, hedge funds and how to jumpstart the stalled Doha round of trade negotiations.
It may be argued that the prevailing economic condition is partially to blame for this, as businesses continue to adopt the crowdsourcing business model in order to access cheap and free labor.
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The macro economic condition that set up the crisis stemmed in part from policy choices: the Federal Reserve ignored the housing bubble and kept short-term interest rates too low for too long.
And before I left for the Middle East, I directed them to conduct a thorough assessment of our economic condition, consult with members of Congress, and provide me with their recommendations about any actions we might need to take.
The Convention against Discrimination in Education stipulates that all persons, regardless of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, economic condition, or birth, have the right to receive an equal standard of and access to education at any level.
But for anyone who wanted more of a real-life sense of the current economic condition, the spotlight might have been better placed hours earlier in a Minnesota restaurant, where Chris Coleman held a press conference calling for an end to the NHL lockout.
As financialism has come to prevail over the last 25 years or so, the economic condition of the U.S. has in many ways weakened, with middle-class income stagnation, increased income inequality, the exporting of jobs and our manufacturing capacity and increased risks of financial volatility.
What impact did his decisions make on the country's economic and political condition?
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That something is Iran's weak economic and financial condition.
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The TIAA-CREF Municipal Bond Team examined the security for the bond as well as the economic and financial condition of the borrower and determined that Sam Rayburn was a stable credit that simply did not need to maintain a higher rating.
That is the coma that filmmaker Annalisa Piras and I diagnose as the Italian condition: economic stagnation, yes, but also a failure of consciousness and responsibility, which is in effect a moral failure.
In this current economic environment, governments seek a condition of perpetual inflation in order to maintain the illusion of prosperity in the developed world.
An increasing, growing, money supply is a necessary but not sufficient condition for there to be economic growth.
In spite of its short-term oversold condition, and several quite positive economic reports, the market has not been able to get out of its funk.
Africa will attain financial and economic development and independence regardless of the climatic condition if we invest in the growth and development of the private sector.
One of the economic reports that I watch closely for clues to the condition and future of the markets is the Leading Indicators from the Conference Board.
He said we were in the "economic equivalent of war", in which the US economy had "stalled" and the condition of the Eurozone was "dire".
"The lack of any state marketing to try to reinforce the positive attributes of the state created a condition, " said Kip Bergstrom, deputy director of the state's Department of Economic and Community Development.
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Politically, this would be tempting, as continued economic growth will cut the public-sector borrowing requirement rapidly, giving a misleading impression that the underlying condition of the public finances is improving.
Economic issues were also the concern of the China Daily, which said: ''Chavez's condition is also being watched closely by Latin American countries that have benefited from his generous assistance, as well as Wall Street investors who are drawn to Venezuela's lucrative and heavily traded bonds.