He speaks fuzzily of the need for a strong but decentralised state to marry economic liberalism to social justice.
Her instincts, their instincts, were for a powerful brand of economic liberalism applied uniformly and with vigour across the United Kingdom.
Its people are famously leery of globalisation and economic liberalism, yet France boasts some of the world's most successful multinational companies.
Consider two successes of economic liberalism, both somewhat under-appreciated at the moment.
French newspaper Le Monde wrote that the 1980s were the years of "Maggie", who it said reinvented economic liberalism -- alongside Reagan.
So the prospects for economic liberalism are clouded, Mr Henderson concludes.
Indeed, though in earlier life a typical French interventionist, Mr de Silguy now admits to learning useful lessons, in Brussels no less, in economic liberalism.
Controls are incompatible with strictly economic liberalism (which looks like a strong point, but Ms Hayter is strangely reluctant to insist that free movement of labour and free trade are inseparable).
From the perspective of a Dutchman elected in Belgium it is very important to have the UK in the EU, because economic liberalism would be dead on the continent without the UK in it.
But the fact that, eight years into an economic boom, only 37% of Americans claim to support free trade also suggests that economic liberalism would have a harder time surviving trial by recession there than it has in much of the rest of the world.
Mr Anwar was often seen by foreigners as the voice of economic commonsense and political liberalism.
The CAQ combines economic conservatism with social liberalism.
Similarly, a strong vote for Mr Madelin might encourage a President Chirac to add a dash of free-market liberalism to France's economic recipe.
Too often of late, that liberalism has been expressed as a mere plea for economic efficiency, a technical claim that, justified or not, appears to ignore all that is human.
Liberalism applied almost by definition presumes failure, and as evidenced by the negative economic sentiment in the U.S. at present, is showing yet again how inimical it is to personal and economic happiness.
With his Treasury spokesman, Vince Cable, Mr Clegg nudged Lib Dem economic policy away from social democracy (one half of the party's family tree) and towards liberalism (the other).
ECONOMIST: The Liberal Democrats prepare for battle��in their own way