McConnell on Monday dismissed the idea that Republicans are trying to block passage of the economic stimulus plan.
Over the weekend, he announced broad plans for a two-year economic stimulus plan that would create 2.5 million jobs.
Obama is not "under any great illusion" that Bush will support a second economic stimulus plan, the aide said.
Both Republicans and Democrats have admitted that any economic stimulus plan of this scale will mean a return to deficit spending.
The question, what is your biggest concern about the economic stimulus plan?
The president-elect said over the weekend that he supports an economic stimulus plan that includes an overhaul of the nation's roads and bridges.
President-elect Barack Obama said over the weekend that he supports an economic stimulus plan that includes an overhaul of the nation's roads and bridges.
The question, what's your biggest concern about the economic stimulus plan?
At the summit, Mr Harper raised with Mr Obama Canada's concerns that the Buy America provisions in the multibillion dollar US economic stimulus plan could shut out Canadian companies.
Holtz-Eakin won't say whether McCain thinks a second economic stimulus plan is needed, but he talked in detail about several other aspects of the senator's economic plan, including his tax proposal.
The president-elect is talking about an economic stimulus plan.
House Democrats agreed to extend the middle class tax cut that was included in the recently-passed economic stimulus plan, but failed to specify how the cut would be paid for after 2010.
Legislators will meet 10 more days, then take a break until June, when lawmakers will consider how money flowing to the state from the federal economic-stimulus plan may help their ongoing budget woes.
Then there is part B of the economic plan - the fiscal stimulus or "crazed Keynsianism" as the German finance minister Peer Steinbruck described it this week.
Now that the budget deal has been struck with the Liberal Democrats, we get to see the details of the Welsh government's "Economic Stimulus Package, " or how Labour here in Wales plan to spend the extra money they got because the UK coalition decided to freeze council tax in England.
Democrats made it clear that they plan to put their stamp on the massive economic stimulus bill.
One, to clarify, you said -- this is a different track than Mara took -- you said that some big new stimulus plan is not in the offing, but the economic team is looking at a host of issues.