It takes money away from productive uses in the private sector and reduces the overall economic welfare of the nation.
Moreover, as taxes rise to fund an ever larger state, the losses to economic welfare rise rapidly, creating distortions and waste.
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Now 25 years old, it plays a major role in protecting the economic welfare of consumers and in enforcing UK competition policy.
Conversely, the loss of biodiversity and associated ecosystem services will lead to a loss in economic welfare, and to a loss of economic opportunities.
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Dinakar's stories on retail and other trade-liberalization effects on the economic welfare of the nation attracted the eye of the sponsoring International Policy Network.
Foreign Secretary William Hague has said cyber-attacks could become a major threat to the country's economic welfare and its national infrastructure, such as electricity grids.
We're businesspeople, and we thought that buying the original site of the 1969 Woodstock festival would be an opportunity to perhaps contribute to the economic welfare and development of the area that I grew up in.
In December it announced that state-owned enterprises under the central government would remain in control of industrial sectors considered crucial to national security and economic welfare: military equipment, electric power, oil and petrochemicals, telecommunications, coal, aviation and shipping.
The official version of Mr Yeats's paper was published with a number of caveats, such as a statement that the author is uncertain whether, taken as a whole, changes in the Mercosur countries' trade policies since 1988 have reduced their economic welfare.
Voters punished Mr Schroeder's Social Democrats (SPD) at the polls in the key state of North Rhine-Westphalia on Sunday, amid disillusion with painful economic and welfare reforms that have so far failed to boost growth and curb mass unemployment.
Scottish interests at Westminster are limited to taxation and economic management, welfare, defence and foreign affairs.
But building institutions of democracy, structures for economic growth and welfare, education, development, and the rule of law are major steps and will take time.
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Read back that list of coalition disagreements and it reminds you that they were issues on the margins of most voters' concerns whereas there is a surprising degree of cross party agreement on macro-economic policy, welfare cuts and schools reform let alone the proposals the two men will highlight today - be it childcare subsidies, pension reform or road tolls.
In a 1985 report the church attacked Margaret Thatcher for putting economic efficiency ahead of welfare.
Third, separate the state of economic opportunity from the welfare state.
Political issues are usually divided into two major categories: social issues (like abortion, drug use, gay marriage, or capital punishment) and economic issues (like welfare, taxes, and health care).
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Today, there seems to be ample reason for pessimism and little about which to be confident and optimistic in social welfare, economic and financial, fiscal and financial sector trends in Japan.
Mostly, it has been a combination of falling tax revenues (as a percent of GDP) due to economic stagnation, and rising welfare and entitlement payouts for existing programs.
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In contrast, Europe may be able to maintain a steady level of prosperity--even with lower growth, since its population will be either stagnant or declining--at least until the looming costs of maintaining a welfare state impose onerous economic burdens.
Not only is the economic stimulus package loaded with pork and welfare, but it will also inflict damage on American businesses, large and small.
Basically, what happened was a collision between a falling sex ratio (the number of adult males per 100 adult females), economic stagnation, and a burgeoning progressive welfare state.
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Finally, its economic growth rate, and with it the welfare and prospects of the poor, has begun to pick up.
It is a commonplace that generous welfare is a brake on European economic growth, leading to higher taxes and fewer jobs.
In the poor Berlin neighborhood of Wedding, three out of four students and at least half the parents lived on unemployment benefits and welfare, even before the global economic crisis.
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At the same time, a shakier economic outlook is adding to pressure to cut the welfare rolls.
Westminster talk of welfare reform chimes with public concern that economic inactivity is linked to social ills.
Now the opposition has both hidden from sight Mr Alfonsin, symbol of economic chaos, and stolen Mr Duhalde's welfare clothes.
On her page on the Parliament website, her "special interests" are listed as Economic Policy, European Affairs, Social Policy, Welfare Reform, Employment, Families.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | What's in Ruth Kelly's in-tray?
Jobs are great, but welfare should be used to thwart the inherent economic uncertainty of a capitalistic, global society.
For wealthy countries, welfare states acted as a buffer to the economic shock, even at the expense of growth.