"It's offset by his strength among younger voters, among independents, among well-educated people, " he said.
The Palestinian population is also filled with decent, educated people who also yearn for peace.
In India, for example, educated people are much less likely to vote than the rest.
Most were young, highly-educated people fleeing to Switzerland or the oil-rich former Portuguese colony Angola.
Long the best-educated people in South America, Argentines now trail Chileans and Brazilians in international tests.
That leaves hundreds of thousands more very highly educated people, who also have U.S. sponsors, kept offshore.
In Sindh the percentage of educated people dropped by one per cent to 58.2 per cent in 2009-10.
One statement that one of your experts made was that well-educated people may tend to be getting less cancer.
The gap between preference and feasibility was also large for less educated people.
Why would such highly intelligent, highly educated people believe in something when all logic and all evidence refute it?
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Iraq is a completely different country, because it is a rich country and has educated people and civil institutions.
Educated people have better access to information, so they can more readily and easily find out about volunteering opportunities.
Its better-educated people have no love for the Islamist hooligans in their midst.
Later, Mr Kubrick was to disparage formal learning, as self-educated people sometimes do.
As a result, lower income and less educated people often receive poorer care.
Lower educated people tend to drink more beer while the higher educated tend to drink more wine, said Mr Bobak.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | Is beer less fattening than wine?
Future generations will look back in astonishment that so many supposedly educated people came to be caught up in this hysteria.
There was a time in the years before the war, when many earnest and educated people believed that democracy was finished.
The Joneses were a crowd Dan and Tammy had hardly encountered before: professionals, entrepreneurs, highly educated people with ambition bordering on aggression.
She repeatedly reminds us that the majority of them are educated people.
Why did all these smart, highly educated people make all these mistakes?
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"It's true that the internet is not in the small villages but it has been absolutely vital for educated people, " Zorkic told CNN.com.
There is no polan that balances the budget without relying on growth, so where are we going to get this growth without educated people?
Speaking of educated people, I personally know of many top-flight public schools that are as good as or better than the better private schools.
"But the educated people are the people who make the policy decisions and have the most influence, so I think it is significant, " said Zorkic.
It's not lost on Brazilian companies that the recession in Europe means highly educated people are prepared to travel across the Atlantic for a job.
Besides the obvious economic benefits of increasing the number of highly educated people in an emerging economy, the plan could also have substantial practical benefits.
That may help to explain why highly professional, educated people that were not known before to police are being caught in possession of the material.
Some very highly educated people have been taken for a ride here because of a personal friendship and trust for an individual accused in this case.
These places also tend to be inhabited by reasonably well-educated people whose stable incomes makes them less vulnerable to contractions in competitive industries like finance, manufacturing, construction or information.