If you care about tutoring kids or you've got an education background, you'll be able to find something that allows you to use your particular skills.
The lower down they are on practically any pecking order job prestige, income, education, background the more likely people are to be fat and unfit, and to drink too much.
The public were asked questions about their jobs, health, education and ethnic background.
People are asked questions about their jobs, health, education and ethnic background.
The census - which is used to plan public services - is carried out every 10 years, during which the public are asked questions about their jobs, health, education and ethnic background.
Those who left private schools in the 1980s and early 1990s can expect to earn 35% more in life than the average product of a state school, they found, around half of which can be attributed to education, not background.
And there was no school, so Anne relied on her background in education to help build and staff a school.
When as much as 80% of global inequality is explained by birth and background, education should be the counterweight, the driver of equal opportunity.
Nonetheless, Kaufman feels that social networks may one day help us overcome our instinct to associate with those who share our income level, education, or racial background.
Its founder and CEO, Adam Sodowick comes from a background in education and HR software but identified an opportunity to take painful compliance education and make it fun.
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These include the proportion of children under five on free school meals achieving a "good level of development" compared with other children, attainment at age 16 of those eligible for free school meals and higher education enrolment by social background.
We must learn to be comfortable in the midst of diversity, to find at least a small part of ourselves in every person we meet and to treat one another as an entirely unique and irreplaceable human being whose talents, opinions, background, education and skill we cannot guess at but must learn anew every time we stick out our hand to introduce ourselves to another.
Given my background as a special education teacher, I find this a particularly rewarding homecoming.
Mr Mugabe snootily calls Mr Tsvangirai an "ignoramus" because of his humble background and lack of education.
As a legislator whose background is rooted in education and job training, I believe creating jobs is the single most important effort this nation can put forth if we are to move forward as a country and a world economy.
Their teachers are likely to have studied elementary education, but few will have a background in science.
In a sense, it would have been a good career for our father, a creative man whose frequent attempts at advancement were forever thwarted, or so he felt, by his accent and his background, his lack of education, connections, luck.
As for Abhisit Vejjajiva, the prime minister is an elected MP, and despite his British education and well-to-do background, The Economist should not entertain any delusion that this would prevent him from serving the interests of all Thais and the country as a whole.
Mr Gove, who has responsibility of child protection matters as well as education, ordered the Carlile Report into the background to the Edlington incident after he concluded the serious case review published in March did not "meet his expectations".
Mohammed Ali, the Pakistani who launched it, argues that the approach that Bradford's various Asians take to education depends mainly on their socio-economic background: the children of Sikhs from rural areas, for example, do worse than Muslim youngsters whose parents are urbanised East Africans.
Winfrey, whose own background was disadvantaged, says she regards education as the door to freedom and she hopes these girls will be among South Africa's future leaders.
Orient and introduce to the participants with the background, guidelines, objectives and concepts of education planning.
While Clinton has all but usurped the education spotlight, Riley has continued to toil in the background while stepping up his rhetoric.
People from any country, any background and any income level can receive an elite education at virtually no cost.
Aspects of student background related to the outcomes of civic and citizenship education.
Success is no longer solely determined by the right education, the perfect resume, or even your age and background.
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He said their aim was to find a talented student from a "humble background" and provide them with the "best education possible".
We seemed to talk about everything else including our shared background as sons of Italian immigrants, catholic school education, or any other number of things we had in common.
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We didn't come from a wealthy background, but this country gave us a chance at a good education.
The Department for Education (DfE) said it recommended parents and guardians should determine the ethnic background for their children at primary schools.